Thank you all for the ideas!
It's always nice to hear what you guys can come up with, porn-wise. I chose one of them and I started working on it now. If I wasn't such a slow, terrible person, I'd draw more of them. But anyway, I'll show it to you all at the end of Scary Porn Month, so hang in there. Oh, and Trick won by far. I'm sure Treat will be kind of salty for a while now.

For now, have some fan art!

A sad Sofi, drawn by Cinndrie. I like depressing art. Maybe because I can't pull such things off myself.

Another sprite Zu drawing again made by franciszz3. Of a sprite that never made it in to the game. Cut content, oooo~!

Chibi Lollo drawn by our favorite scapegoat Shrapnel!

Very impressive work guys, thanks to all of you!

As for this smash thing, it seems like I can never find a time where other people is online. We should decide on a time and date and get together and smash. Hopefully we can agree on something in the comments!

And yeah, sorry for being late with the update. I've been trying to fix my broken daily rythm, with very bad results. Egh. Anyway, it was fun to hear you all get together and discuss porn and I shall inform you all of my progress on sunday.
2014-10-20 17:07:57
Comments (5)
2014-10-26 14:02:04
Well this week (27-31.10) i'm off from work, so i can be online everyday at 19:00 gmt+1
2014-10-23 22:15:42
That'll work. I'll plan to be on even before then. =3
Rock Candy12306
2014-10-23 05:51:32
On the weekend then? I'll try to be on saturday around 20:00. My timezone is GMT+2. Might that be good?
2014-10-22 20:27:16
I'm pretty much only free on the weekend due to constant work. Meh...I suppose what happens, happens. Hope to maybe play with you this weekend, I'm pretty confident I've got most of the characters down now.
2014-10-20 21:34:36
i'm free usally around 3:00pm-9:00pm eastern time us&canada time tell me what's good for you i'll try to get on then