A week of Smash and bad luck
So, I don't think this week could have been more horrible for my workflow. First things that happens is that I fuck up my computer so that I have to reinstall windows. I thought it would be easy but no. I have to reinstall it AGAIN tomorrow, because I'm just the unluckiest. Combine this with the release of Smash 3DS, and I've pretty much done nothing creative. Huff.

Don't worry though, I didn't lose any work or stuff like that. Just time.

I was asked to upload the animation in the loading screen of Rudolf's Revenge, so here it is. Fap away! If that's your thing. Maybe it is just me, but I've drawn Rudolf getting sodomized so much that even if it started as a joke, I kinda like the idea of it. Hoahoahoa.
Next christmas flash: Rock Candy Futa Girls takes turn on buttfucking Rudolf until he passes out, and continues to buttrape his unconscious body!

But yeah, to all my fans who also has Smash 3DS, my Friend Code is: 3394-4125-3811
I will add everybody who writes their code in the comments. And I'll play against ya if I see anybody online. I've not quite played online a lot yet though, since I'm working on unlocking everything. But still, I'll check from time to time to see if there's people online that wants to play!

Since my main has been given some radical changes, I've not gotten used to playing him correctly. So don't expect me being any good just yet.

Sorry for the update being kinda late again. I was playing smash and was like "I'll just do this thing before I start writing..." several times in a row. I only stopped because the batteries ran out. Hoahoa! I should go to sleep...
2014-10-05 18:34:42
Comments (10)
2014-10-07 21:09:59
Friend code is: 3153-5943-0696 I love your work and keep it up, man. :P
2014-10-07 09:55:17
0275-8844-5078 Well i would like to say keep up the good work and lets hope that luck of yours will be good again. :)
2014-10-07 04:21:45
You wanna go? Then lets go outside! Its a loveley day,isnt it? Oh yeah,friend code...0345-0673-7068
2014-10-06 22:55:20
4313 1508 7588 I would love to play a match with you RC :)
2014-10-06 20:25:06
First of all thx for your hard Work ;3 Well i finally got all characters for smash 3ds but i still miss some of the new attacks (for costume characters) and some of the stages and trophies Well i kinda love the mii-fighters :3 I would like to fight you sometimes 2208-4801-9308 (well i know it's kinda wired but a flash about some fire emblem females like lissa or lucina would be nice i guess x,D)
MCV Driver
2014-10-06 08:18:12
We still need to knock on some Mario Kart 8 sometime. Hopefully you'll stop having all kinds of wacky computer problems to make way for more gaming time. Friend's code is 3067-6297-2234
Rock Candy12191
2014-10-06 06:28:31
I added all of ya.
2014-10-05 21:36:46
My friend code is 2492-4153-2070 would love toplay ya sometime once i get the game on the 17th
2014-10-05 19:45:28
Sucks to hear about your computer. I had an issue with my previous laptop, so I had to get a new one. Sounds like yours isn't gonna go that far at least. I'm working on unlocking everything first as well, so we should play once we're good enough! =3 Friend code is 4441-9475-1798. Can't wait to go a round with you!
2014-10-05 19:36:08
sup man i would love to play with ya friend codes 0232-8651-4697