New Zu Profile/Reference Pictures!
A new set of profile pictures of Zu has been made! I recommed you all go and shake it out~! Like Zara, she's got three sets of clothes: None, Underwear & Normal Clothing. Some day in the future she'll recieve more costumes, like her maid outfit, but it takes a very long time to make clothes. Mikaela is up next for a new profile picture.

I've made some good progress on besped's trade this week I believe. I'll do more of GBlastMan's on monday and forward!

I have some fanstuff for us here as well.
Something weird from LeatherIceCream. Really, I've got no idea.

And, rarely seen these days, a fan fiction! A short first part, written by Trinity. Give it a read and tell her what you think of it!

Super Smash Bros. 3DS comes out on friday. I hope you're all ready. I'm probably gonna be playing that the whole weekend, if I know myself right. Perhaps, there are people on that'd dare to fight me? I'll up my friendcode here next update, if there's enough interest, so please let me know!
2014-09-28 17:51:40
Comments (4)
2014-09-30 17:04:42
Challenge accepted
2014-09-29 21:15:50
sure i'll battle ya my fav internet art maker name: Requiem friend code:0232-8651-4697
2014-09-28 20:24:29
you did not just challenge meh to smash bros! I ACCEPT YOUR CHALLENGE
2014-09-28 18:55:46
I would love to fight you. But i can afford the game till i get paid on the 17th