Today is my birthday, so I'm going to upload some new pictures!

Let's start with the only non-hentai one!
Reimu Hakurei

Reimu Hakurei, main character in Touhou.
From UFO. It is decent, but nothing special.
Score: 5/10


18+ from here!

Motoki on Ellie
A quick drawing of Motoki the buttelf doing Ellie.
Score: 5/10

Zoo raped by slime!
She looks like a small boy, but she's isn't! xD
I think it's pretty good.
Score: 6/10

Dark Za & Za going double anal on Nekata.
Oooh, this one turned out pretty well, me thinks! :3
Score: 8/10

That was all the new pictures...!

Also, I've been working on Ness' Adventure Part 5 since I got Flash back. The animation is almost done! After that it's just the sound effects and some other stuff left!

But I got Super Mario Galaxy 2 yesterday, so I'm probably going to play that for a couple of days! x3
2010-06-12 01:28:05
Rock Candy
Comments (38)
Rock Candy
2010-08-12 13:43:55
No, not really -w- It's just fun to see girls getting humped by whatever! :3
2010-08-12 13:41:19
So you like shemales huh?
Rock Candy
2010-06-29 08:00:28
No no, I play myself. The patients have their own games to play. Hmm... when I feel like it!
2010-06-29 07:58:40
How do you even have the patients to do that. I only got like 80. OK, when are you gonna finish it.
Rock Candy
2010-06-29 07:54:56
Yeah, I got all 242 stars! When I have finished it.
2010-06-29 07:17:39
K so... did you pass it? 'cause if you want I can help you out. BTW when are you gonna upload Zu Triple demo 6?
Rock Candy
2010-06-29 07:05:29
It's for the Wii. I don't think it is possible to play it on a computer...
2010-06-29 07:03:47
I have a question. Is Super Mario Galaxy 2 for the Wii, or is it for PC as well? 'cause I pritty much passed the whole thing on the Wii in about 19 & 1/2 hours.
2010-06-16 11:43:52
Yea I know about the T-Shirt, I had to put it like that because when I put the Exodus Logo the image is quite shitty, for your torso is too small to put the image there without the logo being all blurry. Don't worry about the logo will be seen perfectly in the flash file once I upload it.
2010-06-16 01:28:58
I saw the update on Newgrounds, looking good- Except that the Exodus t-shirt is an EXODUS T-SHIRT, as in a t-shirt having an actual Exodus logo. Exodus is a Thrash Metal band fyi. Here's the logo of theirs. http://www.spirit-of-metal.com/les%20goupes/E/Exodus/pics/352376_logo.gif
2010-06-14 02:22:16
Send me both files just in case. :3
Rock Candy
2010-06-14 01:56:26
No, the long one is the newer one. The long is in the "Presents" intro, and the short one is in the "short" intro.
2010-06-14 01:53:48
The short one is the newer one right?
Rock Candy
2010-06-14 01:35:37
Which one do you want? The short one or the long one?
2010-06-14 00:45:09
RC can you send me your theme song, I need it 4 the 2nd part of the Tribute, if it's OK with you. :3
2010-06-14 00:41:16
Thanx 4 the suggestion, I'll work something out with the animator about your appearance, I originally intended your character to have a skull T-shirt with one sleeve ripped off, but the animator was too lazy :P. I would have added more details, but I couldn't any good info on your appearance from your bio :P Just 1 Question: Did I hit spot on with RC's appearance as well?
2010-06-13 20:36:15
HA! That tribute flash was pretty good. It makes me most interested in it. MMMMMMMMM.
2010-06-13 14:35:33
That was pretty funny stuff. Give me an Exodus t-shirt, longer hair and a goatee, and you're pretty on spot on how i look. You should totally base the second episode's plot on how RC hates my Thrash Metal and how i hate his touhou music back. ( We do really argue about this shit ) Here's an example of what Thrash Metal is. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wrAJJ7KMxc
2010-06-13 11:06:56
Nice drawing's =3 (oh btw happy b-day , srry it's late becouse i was on hollyday)
2010-06-13 10:38:58
Shit, I missed your birthday! Well, happy belated birthday Rock Candy! May the buttsex continue for many more years!