Not yet!
I know you're all excited and such, but you'll have to wait a little longer! There's still some art related things that need to be done! As well as original music for the thing. If we're lucky, I might have it completed by next sunday, but again, no promises. It depends on the availability on my dear collaborators. The flash itself has been ridden of all the glitches and bugs we could find, so it's pretty well polished now.

And since I showed a picture of Zu last time, I'll show you a picture of Sixten today.

That's a little tease for you who might be into that sort of thing!

But that's not all, I also drew a picture!
Fanart to Guodzilla!
I actually sketched a little more, but I've not finished anything yet.

Well, since I don't need to be so secretive about the trade flash I am doing for GBlastMan, I can show you a snippet of animation I made for it.

Haw haw! I think I'm gonna play some Mario Kart 8 before I head off to bed. I wish I could play some with ya all sometimes, if you have it too!
2014-08-31 14:52:21
Comments (79)
2014-09-07 16:39:04
man, you really need porn that bad? do you even know google?
2014-09-07 12:20:19
Don't be so sure
2014-09-07 11:43:20
atleast it's not a wait until christmas
2014-09-07 10:54:04
Right there with you, bud. . .
2014-09-07 07:27:36
2014-09-06 20:22:46
ill race you my id is 1Tails just message me on kik redlink32 when you wanna race
2014-09-06 19:39:21
2014-09-06 19:06:14
Can we please just get an incomplete release? A complete version can be released when it gets finished next year I whatever.
2014-09-06 15:23:56
Rock Candy1191111910
2014-09-06 14:15:59
Sadly, yes.
2014-09-06 14:02:10
So there's more than a good chance it won't be out tomorrow? ;-;
Rock Candy1190911908
2014-09-06 13:40:47
It's being pushed back due to unexpected events for my collaboraters. I can't really help it.
2014-09-06 13:21:58
RC is blueballing us all! First it was "a few days", then it was "possibly next sunday". On sunday it will be "Soon™". Or he might surprise us by posting it today! Hopefully. Right? Right? Pretty please?
2014-09-06 11:43:17
Well an especially brutal rape comparable to torture can be considered worse than a swift murder. I guess you can't really say one is worse than the other unless you take context into it, in my opinion. That other guy's character is still really cheap, though.
2014-09-06 00:32:26
Day. . . a lot. Patience wearing thin. Sanity . . . leaving me. Desires . . . increasing. (I'll try to wait patiently lol)
2014-09-05 21:15:59
What have I done...
2014-09-05 17:07:30
Pretty much. All I'm seeing painted is a villainous serial killer using the excuse of 'well they're bad people, so that makes me the hero' as a paper-thin justification for his own criminal acts. A personal sense of moral superiority does not exonerate a person from their own guilt.
Rock Candy11901
2014-09-05 14:54:28
Yeah, the guy needs to lose too. Killing rapists with a sword? Rape is bad, sure, but so is a lot of other things. Like, killing. That's even worse. So far I've not seen any motivation for this. And how can't the police trace him? There are just too many things that scream Gary Stu here. Instead of having a guy randomly killing rapists, why not create the character wanting to get revenge on a certian rapist? And that he's not an unstoppable force that just knows how to slice people.
2014-09-05 12:32:28
The fact that he uses the sword to partake in his Gary Stu vendettas doesn't exclude it from being a Gary Stu type of attribute to have in the first place.
The Phantom
2014-09-05 12:05:31
That's the sword he uses to KILL rapists, aaaaand he keeps it under his bed, just incase. Also, he had a break in, and when the burglers found him (he was waking up from noises he heard from his bed) and they beat the hell out of him. Terrance nearly died, and could barely fight them off. Terrance manages to get his sword and slice them up.