Back to normal!
Things are finally getting sorted out over here. I got my chair back, so now there shouldn't be anything hindering me from making stuff again! Actually, I warmed up my flash skills by making one of those crappy Rock n' Raz styled animations: The Right House!

My new coding friend is very efficent, the code is almost done. We've been clearing out glitches and stuff, so the future of the flash is looking bright. Though, there's a glitch or something that makes tweening jitter a lot when converting from CS3 file to CS6 file. The only way to fix it is to turn every tweened motion into keyframes. And there's a LOT of those. That's not gonna be a fun project... But I guess I have no choice, eh?
The only things left now are music and... A few special things that I have recieved yet. I've waited for this certain thing for 8 months now, but somehow there's always something preventing me from getting it every time I get the chance. Frustrating. Hopefully it'll solve itself soon, so that this thing can get done already!

Oh yeah, I was talking about the Christmas flash.

Other than that, it's back to those two trades for me. And I'll make you all a little ~extra something~ whenever I get the time. As for now, I'm damn tired and I should go to bed! See you all next sunday!

And also; we'll be streaming later today! (Monday)
I'm not sure what or when, but I'll put up a window here in the meantime. If I heard correctly, it's gonna be Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. So join and shout at us!

Stream over, and it was pretty... Mixed, I guess. It mostly turned into dicks and ass in the end, but hopefully it was somewhat enjoyable, hoahoa!
2014-08-17 17:09:10
Rock Candy
Comments (7)
cool beans
2014-08-23 06:44:49
patience is a virtue you're doing gods work
2014-08-19 17:02:55
Take your time on anything you want, you only live one life, enjoy it.
2014-08-19 16:43:45
2014-08-18 05:45:49
hope all is going well and thanks for keeping us up to date on progress, love your work and yeah, have a good one :P
slightly let down
2014-08-18 02:56:37
well i thought id be the only one that felt this. but i guess later. and possibly well past due, is better than never
2014-08-17 21:13:16
As long as it's done does it matter what it's name is? :) Keep the spirits up dude :)
Fucking Christ!
2014-08-17 19:47:24
STILL working on the Christmas animation??? I'm pretty sure that, by the time it's finished, it'll be more appropriate as the 2014 Christmas flash.