Serious update!
It seems like my Christmas flash has been confirmed to be Onihole 2.0. Coding goes slooowly, due to me wanting a lot of shit in it. But I'd rather wait it out than remove the features. It's been stressful to me this latest month, and I've been acomplishing almost nothing because of that. I've done everything I can with the project now, so it's in the hands of other people right now. Though, coding is not the only thing that is not done yet. I asked a bunch of other people to do stuff so that it would be done quicker, but they've not done shit yet! It's annoying, because if I knew they wouldn't do that, I'd do them myself or ask someone else that I trust more!! And it'd be a lot quicker!

So far, I'm waiting for...
1. Music. I asked a new music guy to do the music for me this time, because he wanted to. But he's been quite quiet for a while now... Every time I ask him about it he says "Just gotta loop it", and I'm starting to question if he's even working on it!

2. Special arts. Though I cannot be angry with Extreme Brah, he's in the hospital right now. He's been trying hard to get the pictures sent to me, but due to a misrender, a few pictures are unusuable and I need him to re-render them. But I have not heard from him in over a week, and I'm starting to get worried... I mean, if he passes away, I wouldn't know. And if he does, I guess I have to cut that part. But I really hope not, because he's a very good friend!

3. Some other miscellanious shit that I can't even remember right now.

But seeing as I can't do shit with that anymore, I've moved on to the next project! This being my collab/trade with Besped, which I was supposed to start with 2 years ago. Somehow, I've not gotten started until now. It's crazy. He doesn't want me to reveal any details, so this is all you're getting to know now.

As we've not had a regular update for a while, it's been a while since I uploaded arts and fan arts. I've not felt like drawing much lately, due to the shitty ass flash progress, but I'm uploading what I got.

Gingerbread Zu Butt. I showed this off in one of those hatchopening videos, but here's a photo of it! It was tasty, just like I'd expect Zu butt to be.

Zara Face Test. I'm getting tired of all my characters sharing the same faces. So I tried out some new ones. To be honest, I'm mostly just changing the eyes... But those happen to be the thing that stands out most, doesn't it? At least it's progress. Anyway, I still need to work on this.

Weird Outfit. Ya know... I looked at that old picture of Zoo in that wierd outfit, and redrew it. Is it better or worse? Hmhm.

Sofi Art Info. If you ever wanted indepth details of how to draw Sofi, take a look at this. Maybe you can help the growth of the fan art section, hoahoa!

Pre-Death Lollo. Ya that's right, I've made a design for a living Lollo.

Long Ghost Tongue. A request from Extreme Brah, and I did my best. He liked it!

Fanarts from Kai:
Piranha Plant rapes!
Stuffed Lollo butt!

Fanart (Read: Commisioned art!) from Aza.
Beleth and Sofi1
Beleth and Sofi 2
Beleth and Sofi 3
Beleth and Sofi 4
I didn't commission them though, a friend and fan of mine did! That's his character there.

Don't be afraid of the giant tentacle raped Zu on the fanart page. That's just a bug. You should be used to that.

Anyway, I'm going to bed now. It's almost 6 in the morning!! My sleep cycle really sucks, so I'm getting less and less done these days... It really sucks. It's hard to turn it around, because I can't sleep unless I'm really, really tired. But I can't keep myself awake long enough to do an allnighter unless I have some sort of activity to do that doesn't need much energy. The worst part is that I usually get alert when I want to sleep!

Enough rambling for now. I'm sorry for the no-flash stuffs, but I can't help it and I can't do anything to speed up the process at this point.

Look out for potentional streaming next weekend. You know the time. Around 12 hours from now when this was posted. I'll put up a window when we're about to stream, so look for that. We finished EarthBound, so next is Wario World!
2014-02-09 20:50:46
Rock Candy
Comments (23)
Rock Candy1079810796
2014-02-14 17:41:43
Heart & liver troubles, I think. Reverse diabetes and bypass surgeries and whatnot. All at once, it seems.
Rock Candy1079710795
2014-02-14 17:40:47
Bra. Jag väntar också.
Wasabi lube
2014-02-14 13:27:42
this flash will be so awesome... no tentacles, its ok, meat poles r better anyways, imo. all hail to the schlongs. and that guy in the hospital... why is he there? u said that he is a good friend of urs, what happened to him, if i may ask?
Bob traktor
2014-02-14 13:27:03
Ingen fara, Magnus. Fem månader är fler/mer än fyra veckor, men jag kan vänta.
Rock Candy1079310791
2014-02-14 13:01:25
No tentacles. They're a pain to animate, would have taken even longer ot finish this flash if it was.
2014-02-14 11:14:27
No tentacles? </3 ;-;
Rock Candy1078610784
2014-02-12 23:59:58
I meant the time taken. There's no tentacles.
2014-02-12 13:23:53
Yeah I figured that was what you meant. I was wondering if you could possibly share some details. Will there be tentacles? That's my main question
Rock Candy1078310780
2014-02-12 01:43:16
Ya, I've got a bunch of people who are willing to help me out with the coding. Wish I got some that would help me out art-wise too, though, hoahoa.
2014-02-11 20:18:59
Sweet! Glad to hear that at least now I don't have to expect it to take even longer for it to come out by waiting for Mittsies to come back from vacation.
2014-02-11 11:36:21
Oh, really? It's possible I suppose, I do RP as her.
2014-02-11 11:30:16
yea I saw that, thats a bummer but at least its getting done
2014-02-11 09:29:38
Something about this Beleth character makes me think I've RPd with her before... at least the design is very familiar. Anyway, it sucks to hear about the (possible) un-wellbeing of these guys, and that it's taking so much longer to get stuff finished. But you are still alive at least, so that's something!
Rock Candy1077510774
2014-02-11 09:05:59
Before easter, I hope.
2014-02-11 08:03:53
christmas 2013 flash: comming out summer 2014
Rock Candy1077310772
2014-02-11 04:43:12
He went on a trip so I had to change.
2014-02-11 02:57:46
I thought you said in one of those video updates that you sent it to mittsies for coding?
Rock Candy1076810766
2014-02-10 15:11:47
I'm talking about the christmas flash.
2014-02-10 14:57:14
Can you tell us anything about this "onihole 2.0" flash? A preview image would be great but I would be happy to get any details about it. Will it have tentacles?
Rock Candy1076010757
2014-02-10 05:49:42
He does, but I don't know why he's not putting out stuff.