January Toomuchth!!!

I explain all the situations in the video, if you can bear with it!

Our streaming channel, where we stream Mario's 3rD World for the night. We're starting in about 20 minutes from when this news post is posted!!
2014-01-12 08:38:41
Rock Candy
Comments (31)
Card Game
2014-01-20 12:36:36
1. Calling someone a loon has nothing to do with Looney Toons. 2. Mickey Mouse also has nothing to do with Looney Toons. 3. I lol'd.
2014-01-19 13:31:02
Yeah i am from looney tunes wanna make your face look like mickey mouse?Keep talking!!!
Card Game
2014-01-19 04:33:32
It's okay, RC, we all love you. That guy is just a loon.
Rock Candy1066210661
2014-01-18 16:59:25
Do you have some sort of issue? Why are you even here if you don't like me? Make sense or go away.
2014-01-18 16:24:52
And i hope it's really soon because you really starting to getting on my nerves!!!The World will be much better place without you!!!
2014-01-18 16:19:16
FUCK YOU NAB !!! you die from vagina yes!!
Rock Candy1065910658
2014-01-18 15:26:38
I'll die coming out of a vagina? Why are you calling me a fool if you say everyone can believe what he wants? What are you even talking about
2014-01-18 14:54:03
True but you are fool!How was you born in this world??The same way you will leave it!!! I don't expect you understand there is big difference between our ages!!!And every one can believe what he wants you are fool!
Rock Candy1065610655
2014-01-18 06:50:40
It's better to me. I'd rather have nothing than some girl I will not care for except her ass.
2014-01-18 06:44:51
that is a big truth... however, being "forever alone" isn't that cool, so I guess having some trouble is better than nothing.
Rock Candy1065410653
2014-01-17 19:07:35
I'm sorry, what?
2014-01-17 18:31:28
I ain't left my crib in seven days or more I haven't showered in three days, haven't shaved in four There's no reason to be showering and shaving for When every day is a carbon copy of the day before The only people that I see anymore Are my roommates and the clerk at the convenience store Me and him used to chat in a friendly way Now he shakes his head and lectures me for drinking every day
2014-01-17 18:23:41
i am just curious!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITssgsWSjro - listen to this listen to the lyrics carefully if you understand english
Rock Candy1065110648
2014-01-17 17:25:30
I was joking. I'm 23 or something, why? I don't see the rhyming though.
2014-01-17 17:18:53
Is this supposed to be funny i dont get it?
2014-01-17 17:07:29
What the hell have you been smoking?
2014-01-17 16:49:30
Also it may be funny to you but this is exactly what i think about girls to(i think you stole my whole idea- philosophy for the life :D ) am very lazy person and i need lazy girl but i am to lazy to find her you see i can rhyme :)How old are you?
2014-01-17 16:43:49
You get me wrong .... i am just trying to say your flashes are good no matter what !!! you didn't understand me?
Rock Candy1064610645
2014-01-17 16:35:25
I'm just not into real girls. Too little gained for too much trouble. Also you obviously saw me in the video so does that mean you think I'm a crippled ugly retarded person?
2014-01-17 16:07:40
don't get me wrong if you are gay i don't care does not change anything i still think you are cool guy and you make nice flashes even if you are crippled ugly retarded person will not change this fact so keep doing what you doing and best of luck