Getting close....
Close to Dec 1st, that is! I have now a pretty good idea of what I shall do for the christmas flash. I just need to remember to look for voiceactors for Sixten and Rudolf in time. Hm.

I think it's time to reveal the title of that other flash I've showed screenshots of lately. Here's a fancy animated title for you all:

Though you'll still have to guess what the content of the flash is!

In other news, I and Raz might stream first impressions of Mario 3D World later this week, but it depends on if I get the game on release or not! The release date here is the 29th, on a Friday, so we can't be sure if there'll be anything or not. But if is not, I can't stream during december, as I have to work hard on the christmas flash!

Well I think that's it for today. Should try to get back to drawing sometimes soon, I owe many people some drawings. Huff.
2013-11-25 05:59:56
Rock Candy
Comments (24)
2013-12-02 00:38:34
POV style game. different positions like doggy and mission. But mainly Christmas theme.
Rock Candy1038510384
2013-11-28 11:06:42
Let me hear some samples, then! I can't see your email when you write it in the field, so send it to [email protected]
2013-11-28 10:23:45
well if you are still looking for a voice actor, i would be interested in doing Rudolph's voice. i do have voice acting experience and i have an audio technica mic, so the quality will be very good. email me if you are interested. :3
Rock Candy1038310381
2013-11-28 07:40:38
I prefer being called the assassasser.
2013-11-28 05:12:44
I believe you mean the assbassador
2013-11-27 17:04:37
he is the ambassador of asses
2013-11-27 16:32:31
Thanks RC. For cleaning up the mess and clearing things up :3.
Rock Candy10377
2013-11-27 16:28:59
No fighting, please! I choose the girl who's butt is showing up in the newspost. She fits the theme the most. Sofi will have to get her time in the spotlight at a later date.
Dech of ice
2013-11-26 19:26:38
3ds can play both ds and 3ds games which is great, i love my 3ds has great libary also the virtual console games are also awesome
Rock Candy1035110350
2013-11-26 17:40:03
It wasn't easy making that though. I do believe the 3DS can play DS games, yes. That's what I heard, but I have not tried it out, as I have no DS games myself. A quick google should answer that question for you though.
2013-11-26 17:31:29
dude if you just release a flash with all the characters walking like that with zooms and maybe a front/chest view or like create something like that save it incase of a mishap in which delays a project, you would have an instant filler that would quiet us for a good while. also is the 3DS worth it and can it play regular ds games cause i've been craving some phoenix wright bro but i don't know if i should just get a refurbished ds or 3ds (after xmas mind you)
2013-11-26 15:03:43
I'm hoping Zu is the female in the flash. Sofi has had enough samefags and cheaters for several contenders alone, I'm sick of seeing that shit.
2013-11-26 12:45:34
Yay Sixten is getting a flash
2013-11-26 12:14:48
Don't give up hope. There's still the possibility we'll get Sofi instead of Zu as the female option.
2013-11-26 09:40:29
Guess that means it's Sixten getting it up da butt. Drat, had my fingers crossed for Sofi! Ah well
Rock Candy1034010339
2013-11-26 04:08:43
I don't have your email though. So you'll have to send me one! [email protected]
2013-11-26 00:11:58
I've done weirder, email me or something and we can talk about what to say and and what not. Should be fun!
Rock Candy1033810336
2013-11-25 20:02:31
I need a voiceactor for Sixten, do you think you could manage to do that? He's probably going to be the hardest to voice for, as he needs to be frightened, in pain and yet have some sort of sexual tone to it all at the same time.
2013-11-25 17:39:28
If your in need of VA's, I could throw my hat in.
2013-11-25 13:13:47
Man, I really hope that Sofi got chosen for the flash.