Unlimited Frustration and a Poll.
Everything I've made contact with today has been just... Terrible. Awful. Horrible.

I start the day off by being waken up by my annoying neighbour's shitty music taste, followed up by having a mysterious ghost experience in the shower. Then I use Flash CS6 in a collab with Mittsies, and it is the worst piece of shit I've ever had the chance to work with. And to top it off, RC.se is broken fucking everywhere. So if stuff seems not right, it's because it's not. It's probably worse. Don't expect the forum to be up anytime soon, because why would someone ever want to make something work.

I am so sick of life right now. I want to kill. Strangle. Murder.

With that said, I uploaded the fan stuff that I showed in the previous news post. Everything is still wonky as shit, but at least it is showing.

Before I explode out of anger, I have some good news for the fans on (the barely functioning) Rockcandy.se.

I have no idea what to do with this christmas flash. All I have is the character you see above. So I decided to make something I almost never do.

It's a poll.



Vote on what character you want to see with Rudolf the Black!
And make a wish for what the content will be. I have not decided yet, so most popular or interesting idea will be made. Write that wish in a comment either here in the news post or at the pollsite itself. You have until Nov 30 to vote and comment, so take your time. Or something.

Now let's hope this piece of shit works or else I will end my life prematurely.
2013-11-10 15:40:57
Rock Candy
Comments (66)
Bad news
2013-11-11 08:00:09
Rock Candy1010310102
2013-11-11 07:58:36
I'm working on a newspost, so hang on. All the details will be in it.
Bad news
2013-11-11 07:52:11
Glad to help! What is your email though? I'll pitch ideas myself and try to help more with ideas.
Rock Candy1010110100
2013-11-11 07:44:36
That is a good idea. I shall do that instead.
Bad news
2013-11-11 07:41:57
Speaking of that, you could always have people email you ideas. Instead of using the comment section.
Bad news
2013-11-11 07:35:45
I actually pitched that idea for Sixten. What's your email anyways? Since you want ideas, I could pitch some to you through emails, especially if these comments are bugged.
Rock Candy1009810097
2013-11-11 07:30:14
Yes, I realized that now. I used to poll to suck in people's interest though, hoahoa! Guess it didn't work out that well. I shall write up a new thing later. The only problem I have now is, the comment pages are glitched, so comments disappear. There's supposed to be 10 comments showing on each page, but only 5 appears. The rest are hidden until they get pushed away to the next page. I wonder if you can make a poll where you just send in good ideas. Hmm.
Bad news
2013-11-11 07:25:22
You know you probably should just make it "The best idea wins", and just use that. I mean if all you want are ideas and characters aren't important to you, especially with polls that have cheating. Then just close down the poll. From there include a new post here on your site with people to post/suggest ideas, the idea you like the most or want to do, wins. There's no cheating, everyone competes for the "best" idea. But most importantly, you the content creator, win the most from doing this.
Rock Candy1009610095
2013-11-11 07:21:56
There was some great ideas for Sofi and Sixten. Hotdogging and dressing up and stuff like that.
Bad news
2013-11-11 07:19:27
Which ones?
Rock Candy1009410093
2013-11-11 07:18:21
Yes, a few.
Bad news
2013-11-11 07:17:29
Were there any ideas so far that you liked?
Rock Candy1009210091
2013-11-11 07:13:17
Ya, but I'll disregard any comment that is just a name or an "I agree". But I don't know. I'm not sure what else to do. I'd like to ask at like /f/ or something, where I can be in real time with people chatting. Or something like that. People have some good ideas, and I'm looking for the best. It's not really about the character, it's about the content. To me, at least.
Bad news
2013-11-11 07:08:24
Anyone could easily cheat there also. Sixten is the only one to amass the most legitimately, mostly due to the thread, but i'm definitely not denying that there's probably cheating going on now after I called out ellie on her cheating with proof.
Bad news
2013-11-11 07:03:28
Sixtenpls, ur drunk.
Rock Candy10089
2013-11-11 07:03:09
I still want ideas for the contents of the flash. It's pretty obvious Sixten and Ellie is getting lots of cheaty votes by now. Perhaps, if I make a commentbased "voting" system, where only comments with the character + the contents of the flash will count? Then people can't cheat as well, because their writing style and repetetive requests will tell them apart from others.
2013-11-11 06:56:12
I received cheat votes and Ellie too. Zu is the winner.
Bad news
2013-11-11 06:55:22
Then what about the cheating that hasn't stopped? I mean the voting is kind of pointless with the rampant cheating.
Rock Candy1008610085
2013-11-11 06:54:23
I'll keep it going. I don't have any other options at the moment...
Bad news
2013-11-11 06:49:58
Are you going to close down votes for now?