...And here we are.
Once again we are back, suffering yet another lengthy downtime. I don't even know what the problem was, but I was close to giving up this time. Therefore, I was spending most of my downtime doing... Mostly shit. I managed to finally clear out and sort through all that music I started downloading sometimes in january this year, which is pretty sweet. And I streamed some games and stuff too.

But I'll dig up what I mustered to do while the site was down!

I drew one drawing!

I made some sprites for LeatherIcecream's Spelunky Mod. You can now enjoy exploring dangerous caves as Sixten!

And also, Zu became a prostitute.

Download here!
There are a few graphical glitches and some such, but I hope they'll be fixed in future versions of this.

I also participated in a Spelunky "race" prior to this mod.

It's best to just listen, as awful videoediting made all but one video totally unsynced with the audio! It's a hour and a half long, so if you're bored go watch me suffer.

I made a shitty flash, that only swedish people (if even they) will find funny!

I'd add some kind of youtube-ish subtitles to this if I knew how to.

And I guess I can post a screenshot of that flashy flash... That I was working on. (I have not touched it in a week... :c )

It's not a normal flash by any means!

I have a few... That I want to start up! But I'm waiting for a voiceactress for that girl up there! I had some potential girl that was willing, but my contact guy got busy and I've not gotten ahold of him in a while, which is annoying! So, in the meantime, I shall make up with Besped and finally made my part of that trade we made like... A year or two ago. Sounds good, because whenever the hell am I gonna do that anyway? Better now, or it might become never! I don't know what that flash will be about though, because Besped was gonna make the art and I was gonna animate it, and he didn't want to show me the artpiece! So that's gonna be something, I hope.

And yush, if you are a unshy girl with a decent mic and a decent voice, do send me a message or something such! If I never get a hold of that guy again, might be good to have someone else there!

So yeah. It's good to be back. I think. I'm gonna be absent almost all of next week, due to another of those playdates that I sometimes visit.
But perhaps I will stream some sort of game in the next 2~3 days! So keep an eye out, if you are interested. I don't know what game yet, but I'm sure I can find something.
My streaming channel is here.

Now I shall enjoy some Julmust. Good night!

I also noticed you cannot post comments. I hope it shall be fixed soon. Along with the forums.
2013-10-27 18:25:38
Rock Candy
Comments (9)
2013-11-12 17:24:30
I gonna to will do my best.. I look those flash awesome ^W^
2013-11-03 09:51:21
Glad to see your site is up again.
2013-11-01 23:12:35
Woot Woot! Welcome back.
2013-10-30 03:12:48
Wooooh! Glad to see you back among us. Doing something productive during downtimes is always a good thing, and especially organizing my crapload of Touhou arranges would take at least a week if not more. Hope the issues with the site are fixed this time for good! It's always kind of sad when you can't dig up some things here.
2013-10-30 01:10:39
Thank you rockcandy for not giving up! I don't know what I would do without your awesome flashes... I mean seriously top 3 favorite animators, Glad to have you back!
2013-10-29 15:02:30
Woop woop! He's back! And just that one screen shot looks great! Can't wait to see the finished result!
2013-10-29 13:36:56
It's great to have you back RC. I was getting worried that you were gone for good, haha. Good luck finding a voice actress
Card Game
2013-10-29 11:18:35
2013-10-29 07:45:59