Catching up
Altough motivation is low, I managed to recreate most of what was lost. Some parts even became better than last time, so that's something at least.

So I don't have a lot to show today. I attempted to draw something, but for some reason nothing I drew turned out well. Still, I finished this in time for the update: Happy Zu!

And I forgot to post this last sunday, because of the corruption:
Mikaela Spy, the last TF2 crossover picture thingy!

So now that that's over... It's back to regular flash making for me.
I feel like it's going real slow at the moment though. Lots of stuff going on at the same time. I bet it will solve itself soon enough though.

I wish I had more to show and say.

See you next week.
2013-09-15 15:41:36
Rock Candy
Comments (7)
2013-09-16 23:26:37
thanks for continuing. i appreciate that.
Rock Candy98659864
2013-09-16 11:45:33
But I already am keeping and making backups. I fail to see the difference... The only difference now was that I hadn't made one in a while due to working on it for a lengthy time without saving.
2013-09-16 10:40:00
yes, and this method has two save files. A and B. you save once to A, then after some work you save to B, then after more work you save to A again. the next day A is corrupt, but you still the only a little older B still working. and depending on the nature of the corruption you could end up missing no work at all. redundancy is good for important files.
Rock Candy98619857
2013-09-16 03:27:39
The corruption happens after I save. It works fine until I open the project the next day.
This Guy
2013-09-16 01:44:17
Hey man, just wanted to let you know that we really do appreciate all the hard work you do, in making good quality porn. You're a God amongst men. Thanks.
2013-09-15 21:22:05
be sure to have two copies of your work in the future. alternate saving. will prevent messes this big from happening again. will allow tiny messes maybe, but not big ones.
2013-09-15 20:01:21
Can't wait to see what you can do! Love your work there mate!