Flash Frustration
Well shit. It seems like progress went backwards rather than forwards.

Of course, Flash decides to corrupt one of my flash projects, deleting a good chunk of animationwork. Very not fun, as I aimed to finish that project next. But the lost work sapped a lot of my motivation, but I guess I'll have redo it.

Other than that, I don't have much to share. I was supposed to hear from some people about voice and arts stuff, but they all disappeared! Saddening.

Well, I hope next week will bring happier news. Huff.

2013-09-08 15:13:29
Rock Candy
Comments (14)
2013-09-10 13:40:38
just send us a reply always happy to help out but i might know a girl that would happly help but i wont say its a definite yes but i can always enquire for you
2013-09-10 03:38:47
Your fans are glad to hear from you, at least.
Central Scrutinizer
2013-09-09 17:53:18
If you need a Male VA with a deep voice, feel free to call on me. I read comments frequently.
Rock Candy98169814
2013-09-09 11:10:53
Mostly female. Might need male too, I think.
2013-09-09 10:30:35
Rock Candy you said about voice acting are you looking for male voices or just females?
2013-09-09 07:43:47
Augh. Well, it was worth a try at least, still sucks to hear that, though. Reminds me of how I tried to restore something I made...
Rock Candy98119807
2013-09-09 05:53:56
That's what I did, but it was HORRIBLE. There was thousands upon thousands of layers, all tweening was messed up and graphics were all fucked up. Luckily I could still grab some graphics from the corrupted file, so I don't have to redraw everything, but most things I have to anyway.
Rock Candy98109806
2013-09-09 05:51:49
Because fanstuff is broken.
Rock Candy98089803
2013-09-09 05:47:14
I do I have a backup drive. And I did have backup files of the project, but I had worked a lot on it the last few days so I forgot to make one. The problem is that I can't tell if it goes corrupt or not. The corruption happens after I save, and I don't know why. It only breaks down after saving and then opening it when I start flash next time.
2013-09-09 04:55:25
Oh man, that happened to me before, 3 months of work were lost. Do you often export your work into .swf? You could possibly try to use a decompiler to recreate a .fla file from your latest .swf. Granted, the structure might be vastly different from the one you organize your projects with, but it would be worth a try. Sucks to hear that, in any case, hang in there!
2013-09-09 02:28:07
Cat boy. Y u no post that tf2 rc thing I drew.
2013-09-09 01:39:07
Not where I live lol
2013-09-08 23:42:10
A 1TB HDD costs $55-$65. @RockCandy, are you still working with the guys over at Zeta Team/ Project X: Love Potion Disaster?
2013-09-08 21:12:54
damn I know how that feels `music wise` you should buy a back up hard drive (they roughly cost $90-$120) good luck in the future.