So yeah...
Site is back up, altough a tad slower than before due to the changes and switching we had to make. We shall try to get the forum up too.

Anyway, you might wonder what I've been up to during the downtime.
The truth is, not a lot. I was away for two weeks, had friends over and new games were released, so not much got done.

I have a few sketches lying around, but I'll save those for the next update.
Have these in the meantime:

Zu Engineer
Zara Sniper
Sofi Scout
Heavy Sixten

Based off of the RC-TF2 mod that that LeatherIceCream made. Sometime I'll draw the remaining gals too.

There's also a new flash! But it's not porn, so there goes 10 000+ views, hoahoa!

The pornflashes will come... Some day! I was working on this flash that someone comissioned me to do, but he suddenly disappeared. To not make work wasted, I'll put together what I made and release it as is.

I also started on a new flash. I sketched a picture and I really wanted to make a flash out of it. So... I started one up. I want to put lots of effort into it. Maybe it'll turn into another Onihole, but I hope not. I want there to be more "content" in it, at least I want to make the animation smoother and add extras and such. It'll be a while. It's always slow in the beginning when I have to make sure everything looks right and such, so I don't start animating and it looks awful.

Huff. Well. I don't really have much else to say at the moment.
If you have any questions, I'll try to answer them.

I hope people notice the site is back up. Spread the word if you see this, or something.
2013-08-11 16:41:24
Rock Candy
Comments (9)
2013-08-16 16:06:01
Glad the site is back up. And nice to hear two new flash projects on the way. But why must you tease with no hints on what they are?
2013-08-15 21:46:57
Excellent! Pleasant thing, seeing you back and all. Was a tad bit concerned as to why the site was down.
Capt. RaM
2013-08-14 01:58:48
Good luck with your flash's mate. Keep up the good work.
2013-08-13 23:43:15
oh dude you scared me i thought you got deathly ill or the server got wiped or somethin
2013-08-13 00:46:34
The forums are still down. Any progress with the re-written Zu story?
2013-08-12 11:10:06
Don't forget to play touhou ddc
2013-08-12 09:41:30
So who's going to be starring in this new porn flash?
2013-08-12 00:46:38
You and Besped make a return in the same month.... I'm suspicious haha. At least you have more to show than him, he's done an excellent job of showing up, telling everyone he has art to post in the week.......and then disappears for another 21 days and counting. Welcome back RC.
2013-08-11 19:24:00
it's good to see that you site work again, and with flashes on the future it's even better!, keep doing a good job