Generic Title
Why, hello! I bet you were expecting a flash today!

And, I'm gonna give you one! "A Peaceful Race!", made by FlashMasterXD!

Hoahoa! But really, my flash is basically done. I just need some voiceclips and stuff, but the guy with the stuff disappeared for some reason, so I'm just waiting.

Anyway, have some drawings instead!
A drawing I made for a friend of mine! I hope he will like it.
And... A drawing I made while supertired. It's kinda eh, but still good enough to upload, me thought.

None of my three hopes for last week came true... Which is sad.
Oh well, I can live on still. And now, I shall go and... Do something, I think. Maybe continue working on that game and stuff. Huff.
2013-06-16 16:25:17
Rock Candy
Comments (1)
2013-06-17 02:05:06
Nice stuff, and keep it up.