An update from the Present
Hello everybody! Tomorrow is E3! It shall be very interesting to see what will be revealed! The wait is harder the closer it comes... Huff.

I spent all night reading a book, staying up until 6 in the morning. So my sleeping schedule is all messed up... But on the other hand, it was a real good book, hoahoa. It was an early birthday present; I turn 22 on wednesday. Woop for me or something.

I cleaned up a couple of sketches today. I have a few more drawn but not yet scanned and finished.

Zara with a large fleshy thing between her mammaries.
And Ellie, with a large flashy thing also.

Not only that, but... I got a fan animation as well!! Long time since I got one of those!
It almost looks she's getting fucked by the site due to its size...

Well, that was all the content I had for today!
In other news, I am making a short flash loop of a thingything, which you'll see next week, hopefully. Birthday stuffs happened early, so I shouldn't be bothered no more.

So yus, let's hope for an eventful E3, a flashloop for next week & that dBu music's album "The Suite" pops up somewhere soon. I've been looking for it for quite some time...
2013-06-09 16:23:49
Rock Candy
Comments (4)
2013-06-10 06:12:16
Danke. ;)
2013-06-10 01:33:41
Congratulations on the birthday. I'm 21 today, but I'm not doing anything cool, sooo... I hope you DO! Miss ya over at the PX forum. Also, Rocky is a great nickname. I might use that one. XD
2013-06-09 23:15:49
Nice post. Can't wait till your next art. Be it flash or sketch.
2013-06-09 20:52:47
Happy birthday, Rocky. ;D