A new update.
Hoo boy, I hope you all enjoyed that last flash! Because I sure did!
Here's that picture at the end of the flash!
It's quite large, so you can use it as a background for your desktop if you want, hoahoa.

Anyway, now that that is over... I have of course started working on other projects that I have! As you may know, I pulled out from Project X for now to focus on my own things. I have a few miscellanious flashes to finish... As well as writing!

But at the moment, I and another guy have been starting up the very very basics of a game. This game will be quite large, I hope, and will take much effort and time to even get working and such. If there are any artists out there who are willing to help out with things like background art, character design or animations do not hesitate to contact me!!

The game will focus mainly of Zu's behind, and the rest of her will also star as the main character. It'll be in top-down style and... I don't want to tell too much about it, as it's only been started up just now. I've been working hard on making the main sprites look decent!

So yeah.

Have this as well:
2013-06-02 15:23:26
Rock Candy
Comments (7)
2013-06-07 15:45:40
Glad to see you're focusing on more important things. Aside from Zu, I couldn't really get into the Project-X roster. The Archie Sonic girls are the only ones worth fapping to anyway.Xp Can't wait to see what you have in store for us.^v^
Rock Candy93249323
2013-06-04 09:49:38
Well, seeing as I just started and we're a two-man team at the moment, it will take QUITE a while before anything can be shown or playable... I will try to force other people to make Zu buttsex while I work on this, hoahoa!
2013-06-04 09:15:22
Well, that's not comforting because Project X releases are VERY RARE XD. So I'm actually hoping it's one of the things you actually *won't* learn from them XD But yes, Zu's butt is a thing I'm certainly looking forward too :inyouknowwhatimean: Buttsex, buttsex na~ na~ nana~
Rock Candy93229321
2013-06-04 09:05:20
The reason I left was because I wanted to make a game with Zu and her butt as the main characters! And I couldn't do that while making sprites for Project X at the same time; it'd become too much! So ye, you have that to look forward to instead! if you're lucky, it'll have the same demorelease date as Project X, hoahoa.
2013-06-04 09:00:56
loses all its charm. It might not be the place or the time for such a feedback (not that I think you even care about feedback), but hey - just a shotout you *have* fans. Who like Zu. And butts. In any case, maybe it will mean we'll see even more flashes and buttsex from you, amirite? Carry on and have a bootylicious day!
2013-06-04 08:59:01
Hey RC! I was lurking around ProjectX forum lately and only know I read about you leaving the team and PX development (Yeah, I know it was a month ago; I'm not reading either forum that often). What I wanted to say (even if a little late) is, it's too bad. Zu was basically the only reason I was interested in this game, and I'm pretty sure she had a few fans, since she was the only humanoid there. Add to that your *cough* focus on a certain fetish *cough*, and suddenly this Project loses all
2013-06-02 17:59:13
Heck yeah pumped as usual Rock!