News and stuff!
This weekend has been a very great weekend! For me, at least!

That flash I've posted screenshots from the last couple of weeks is finally done! Well, the swedish version at least. I'm still waiting for the english audio to be recorded, so I have to hold back on the release for a couple of days.

So I made some upgrades to the flash that "Roliga Saker", or "Funny Stuff" as it is called in english, is a sequel to!

If you happen to speak swedish, tryck här för att se "Vår Knashumor Extended Version"!

And for the english speaking audience, we recorded a special english dubbed version! Also extended and upgraded of course! Click here to watch "Our Sense of Humor Extended Version"!

I'll post another newspost, or edit this one, when the real flash is ready! It shouldn't take too long, so keep an eye out!

Until then, enjoy... That other flash!
2013-05-19 14:12:13
Rock Candy
Comments (1)
2013-05-20 19:52:31
I watched the English version and thought it was very funny! Then just now I came across this little documentary about the Swedish people. I enjoyed it: