Update after playdate
I am back from the playdate. Well, I've been for some time, but I spent most of the day sleeping and doing lazy things, as both I and Raz have been too tired to do anything of value.

As for the playdate... It was decent. I don't generally like big areas full of people, but at least I got to play some fun games, like Smash Bros, Luigi's Mansion and Mario Kart.

And as for you who wondered, the word "playdate" is a transliteration.
Orignally it is "Spelträff".

Spel = Game, Play.
Träff = Meeting, Date, Hit.

So transliterated it'll become playdate, instead of "gaming meetup" or whatever it would translate into.
We use this humor very often here in sweden.

Anyway, Check out this fan stuff that Goudzilla drew!
It's the only thing I've got for todays update.

The Roliga Saker flash is getting very close to finish. There's only 9 seconds left to animate, but sadly there's some audio desync near the end. I have no idea what causes it, and I've not been able to find a solution. Huff. Really annoying.

I also managed to make a re-recording + english dub of the old "Our Sense of Humor" flash, containing cut audio and extra animation. I'll be releasing it around the same date, or probably a few days before I release Roliga Saker. To "hype it up" or something. Hoahoa.

Anyway, we'll see if I get stuff done this week. See next sunday's update for the conclusion!! Woo!
2013-05-13 15:06:17
Rock Candy
Comments (5)
Rock Candy92519249
2013-05-19 07:06:18
Not really. It's not open for the public.
2013-05-19 05:14:39
Could it possible be a game convention?
2013-05-16 13:49:23
Spelträff is nearly like "Spilträff" in Swissgerman. :D
2013-05-15 07:51:56
Swedish is a bit like Dutch too! Anaways, i'm looking forward to the flash with great anticipation
2013-05-13 17:47:52
huh, sounds like ur language is alot like german!