Luigi's Mansions
Hey everyone! I finally recieved my copy of Luigi's Mansion 2. I have to say, I'm very surprised at how animated it is. While it doesn't have the athmosphere of the first game, it is has it's own quirk. I like the humor, and I shall attempt to finish the final mansion tonight!

AS for stuff... I got two nice fanarts this week! From Makefront on our forums!

Our Zu and his character Rutora!
Zu again, along with Sofi, getting attacked by tentacles!
Awesome stuff, I say!

As for me... Still working on "Roliga Saker". Getting too close to finishing it, well at least it feels like it. If flash doesn't kill itself upon opening this massive project, I might add an easter egg or two.
Have some more screenshots:

Yes, these pictures are all from the same flash. Believe it or not!

Well, now that this update looks flashy, I think I'm done for today! Hoahoa! See ya later, I shall attempt to draw stuff tomorrow to not have a totally empty update next week... Night!
2013-04-21 18:27:36
Rock Candy
Comments (5)
2013-04-24 12:34:42
Ooga booga booga.
2013-04-22 14:19:45
stupid grammar!you make me look bad
2013-04-22 14:18:05
just looking at them pics and im all excited and antious to see this soon to be epic flash.dunno y but i got the feelin that this iz gonna b a hoot
2013-04-22 10:01:08
pfffft you got nothing on me! If its been ages since you submitted something then its been centuries since I've submitted a drawing to RC. PS. Do make more stuff, you make good art. ;3
2013-04-21 20:15:30
*pffff* I need to get drawing again, too! It's been ages since I've submitted anything!