Another weeks goes by...
Most of this week I spent streaming games, which was fun! But it did lack much work on flashes, though...

Tomorrow I'll attempt to change that!

So uh... In the meantime, I've made some changes to the character's biographies and stuff.

I uploaded a small piece of the re-written Zu meets Sixten story, please take a look at it if you're interested. I'm in need of a few opinions on it, as I'm not sure it's good or not. :C

So ye... Until next week! Maybe I'll try to draw something after all this time...
2013-04-14 17:52:44
Rock Candy
Comments (1)
David Castro
2013-04-16 10:16:54
you know RC, it was a long time ago since i read the story of zu. i have to admited, is good to see a girl who have a tough past be free now. it was good the change good luck and keep the good work