Boys saying "Oh"!
That flash that I mentioned last week, is almost finished! I'm surprised, usually flashmaking by me takes months. But not this time, apparently. So if nothing goes terribly wrong, it should be up by the next news post! There's only the smaller details left.

That also means that I can play LM2 without being too guilty of delaying the flash work! Wah ha ha!

As for the T-shirts, it's still pretty cold here in Sweden, so I can't tell any interesting stories about them yet. You'll have to wait for summer, I'm afraid.

Also, for you who have me as a contact on MSN:
As MSN is dying, I have switched to skype now. It's a different from my MSN account, so go look for "crystallizedsugar" if ya still want me around.
I know there's some hard-to-contact people on my list, that I can't tell on MSN directly, so I'm just sayin' this here. This is especially important for potential collab-people! You know who you are! I hope!
And if you're just someone who wants to yell at me I guess you can add me as well. Then we can have a 1 minute conversation and never speak again, like most of the contacts I get lately turn out like. Bah.

... Shiet, I can't say "Bah" anymore without thinking of The Ranboobs.

Egh, I better head to bed. WE shall meet again next week! Hopefully I'll bring a new swf file with heavily tweened erotic shapes and forms that you can please yourselfes to. Hoahoa.
2013-03-24 18:50:51
Rock Candy
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Card Game
2013-03-26 18:34:40