2012-10-03 15:05:31
Rock Candy
Comments (21)
Rock Candy80207959
2012-10-15 03:06:39
It really depends on what it is I get in return. I do not know the character you're asking for, so I kinda need more details to decide.
Rock Candy80198016
2012-10-15 02:41:00
Bleh, I don't have any business sense, so I just do what I do.
2012-10-14 06:28:21
Haha, you're right; it's double anus (! But anyway, those were just my thoughts. If you'd rather not turn a hoby into a job that's up to you. My opinion is that you have the talent to do so, that's all. Thanks again for a great Flash!
Rock Candy80068005
2012-10-13 14:42:58
There's no vagina sex, what are you talking about? Also, no, I don't get paid, and I don't think I'll be getting money from making these, ever. I just make them for fun.
2012-10-13 14:37:53
Fucking awesome stuff RC and even vag penetration too!! What's up?! This is so unlike you! As good as anything that Z0NE guy ever puts out no doubt. Which makes me sad that he's getting paid for his naughty hobby but I can't even see a button for donations on your website. You say you're seeing a psychologist and whatnot; OK so I was recently diagnosed with a mild form of Asperger's myself but you're telling me that with your talent you can't make money or get a job? You dropped that purple fox screenshot the other day; I love it, absolutely amazing stuff! You're so blasé about the whole thing! OK, so it's porn but it's still a huge ability you have. I just don't understand it. You're at the point now where your projects need to be of a certain standard that you've set yourself due to your consistant improvements which means each one takes that much longer to make than the last. I see no reason at this quality why you can't hook up with HentaiKey or whatever. I mean I don't pay for Z0NE's stuff but some people do and if he can do it I reckon so can you if only for the sake of financial stability. You, like some others in the community, are very good at what you do.
that guy
2012-10-07 14:13:30
photon app for ipod. it's a browser that supports flash.
A very pleased fan
2012-10-07 08:53:11
Great job dude, was worth it i guess. I will be fapping to this many more times in the future. Also just wanted to make a suggestion But i dont know if'll you'll be interested. You think one day If i do something for you, you'll do something for me? I can use my skills to help promote your work a bit, Was wondering if you could make a very small looping flash of Lucchini Francesca. If you're interested tell me and I'll get to work and we'll see what happens. You can email me at [email protected] Serious proposal though dude. I look forward to hearing from you. Again, grats on finally finishing Oniihole. Was definitely worth the wait. I look forward to see what you will make in the future
2012-10-06 21:51:51
Pleaseeeee tell me how to get this on my mobile ive been a silent fan and want to see it very badly but my computer recently took a shit and i still wanna see it
2012-10-06 01:42:37
any Easter eggs?
2012-10-04 15:48:52
ONI 2012!!! It's a thing... :3
2012-10-04 09:00:43
i found great, too bad there's no option for human (or at least something that looks) like the other guy said.
2012-10-04 05:19:37
well, i'll have to agree with some comments and disagree with others. I think the quality of the animation and the "graphics" in general are amazing. I think i could even say that the animation is better than zone flashes. So, i disagree with the guys that say "this took you half a year?" because it would take ME a decade !!! Now, what's bad is the limited stuff you can do. You can't choose anything and there's apparently nothing hidden (like in other games). I also prefer it when it's humans instead of tentacles but that's just me. I think that's all? I mean, that's the only thing that's bad about it. It's 6 things you can do, which is a lot, but most of these 6 are the "same" and are chosen in a "line". At the very end there's really only 2 things you can do. I would seriously consider paying you if you can make something longer and more inspired using that talent of yours. With THIS animation and the inspiration of zu triple or the easter eggs (the boob fucking thingie) you can make something a-ma-zing
Rock Candy79127894
2012-10-04 02:40:49
I's now thrusday and I still can't post it. What the hell, 4chan?!
Rape Candy
2012-10-03 20:10:07
There is only one way to make it up to him. Kill yourself.
2012-10-03 19:41:56
I dun fucked up. seriously tho I thought it had been up for a while, just surfing and I saw it. saw it wasent on /f/ and decided to post it. What's sad is that I posted it like 5 min before RC. Again really didn't mean to steal your thunder RC if I could make it up to you I would, but I don't really know how.
2012-10-03 18:49:43
bahahahaahahaha thanks Rock
Rock Candy78877886
2012-10-03 17:13:29
Fucking this, I've been trying for an hour. BETTER LUCK TOMORROW, I'M GOING TO BED NOW and if someone posts it while I sleep, I'm gonna be sad.
Rape Candy
2012-10-03 17:11:19
Lol now RC can't post it on 4chan. Great job fucking him up! That's the single best thing you could have done to rape his effort lol! XD
Rock Candy78827881
2012-10-03 15:51:08
's OKay! I was just slow.
2012-10-03 15:50:23
sorry about that :/