But Besped got busy this week, so he was unable to finish it in time. He said there's not a lot left though, so I'm hoping next week.

As for me, I tried to draw after months of not drawing, and it went horrible.
Otherwise, it's the same stuff I always tell you, sprites and flashes and blah blah.

I'm going to see a psychitrist tomorrow so I gotta get up early, if anyone cares. I'm just trying to fill out the update so it wont look very empty, OKay?!

Really, I should start drawing again so I at least have SOME content, other than fan stuff. I guess I have been lazy lately.

Well, again, I'll post Onihole as soon as it gets finished.
While you may feel excited for it, I'm only feeling unease. I always feel uneasy when I'm releasing a bigger project, because it might have bugs or weird things in it, or people wont like it. So in one case, Onihole not being finished feels... Good and bad at the same time. If that makes any sense.

I shall now attempt to finish a sprite set of Zu getting anally raped by a dolphin. Bye.
2012-09-23 15:37:18
Rock Candy
Comments (51)
2012-09-29 17:46:54
All my feels are with you.
2012-09-29 06:55:18
that's a great idea, butt I might need some time to get used to it.
2012-09-29 05:37:43
It might be fun to do that butt can you keep it up? ;P
The X7
2012-09-29 05:25:33
We should all type 'but' as 'butt' from now on. Some of you might think it's silly, butt I'm gonna do it anyway.
2012-09-28 03:13:07
Everything is always more complicated than it first seems. Good luck with the curator and don't forget to walk tall.
Rock Candy78197818
2012-09-28 03:03:36
It's not so easy to just do that, it is a lot more complicated. I must go to a doctor and stuff before I can retired, so we'll see how that goes. Dad's putting his nose into stuff so I have to go see a curator next week for some reason.
2012-09-28 02:57:46
Well I am glad that the system is working for you! Just so you know, I enjoy talking to you all the way over in Sweden. And you really shouldn't worry about posting stuff online (unless it is illegal), especially on your own site! I once heard that less than 10% of talk actually leads to action. It is probably even less for text.
Rock Candy78177816
2012-09-28 02:45:18
In the beginning I was afraid of posting here, and I still am, sometimes. It depends on the comment... But it is more routine now, as I have to update every sunday. It takes lots of effort to post elsewhere, even if anonymous. As for the psychiatrist, they just asked me some questions about things to find out if I was depressed or psychotic or such things. I wasn't. I also don't tell such things unless asked, and no one has asked so far.
2012-09-28 02:35:08
You don't seem to have very serious aspergers on your website here. Granted, all communication via text is somewhat limited and there is 100x more nuance to human interaction than just words. Still it doesn't seem that bad from here... perhaps the worst form of aspergers is still better than a mild case of high-functioning autism. Just out of curiosity, did your psychiatrist explain which specific criteria you meet for being labeled with aspergers? Also, did you mention your website, fanbase, and love of buttsex to him/her? I would very much like to know.
Rock Candy78147813
2012-09-27 07:36:26
I did, you wrote the short names for the Touhou titles in one go. I don't get why people write 10D when TD is quicker to write though.
AE and IN
2012-09-27 07:23:10
Did you notice my reference to Touhou? Please answer honestly because I'm testing you. ;-)
Rock Candy78127811
2012-09-27 05:19:10
The only difference is that I love to sleep, otherwise it sounds pretty much the same. I agree with ya, no work, no "system" and no stupid people. Perfect.
AE and IN
2012-09-27 05:09:09
I've never eat drugs in my life except chocolate (i'm not fat :P). I think I spend most of the time alone in my apartment in front of my PC. I play games, I listen to music and I make introductions for videos, etc.. Nothing too difficult. I sleep little and rarely leave my apartment. Somehow, I like to have Asperger's, because then I do not have to work, nor be part of the "system", nor live with stupid people. Do you want a better example of how to live? EoSDPCBINPoFVStBMoFSAUFODSGFW10D
2012-09-26 16:27:07
lol, doing butts :P it goes out to 'AE and IN' too and anyone else who have been labeled.
another one
2012-09-26 14:55:50
Well, I guess many artists only needed their passion and almost no social contacts, so maybe you are right about missing the "boring daytime job phase"...
Rock Candy78087807
2012-09-26 14:50:37
The only thing I miss out on is having to do some shitty job to get by with money. I'll gladly skip that. I don't need much else than my computer and drawnig material. Well right now, Onihole lies in the hands of Besped. It should not be too far away.
another one
2012-09-26 14:46:12
Rock Candy, you seem like a fairly communicative guy while here on your homepage. And still you say you don't take meds for your aspergers and even want early retirement because you think it doesn't work out. I think other people also have bad medical conditions, but many try whatever they can and take meds or have surgeries if necessary. You say you have aspergers and thats it, is it really that bad that you have to miss so many things in life??? Also, thanks for the entertaining contents on this page, and please make onihole happen before 2013!
Rock Candy78047803
2012-09-26 03:40:11
eh? Prescriptions? I don't eat drugs, nor do I waste money on anything. My case is pretty bad, at least to other people. To me it is good, because I can spend all my time doing butts instead of going to work or anything horrible like that.
2012-09-26 03:35:57
don't get too caught up in labels if it isn't necessary. it's a way to keep your confidence down, not to mention empty your pockets for prescriptions. Unless your chemicals/psychology is severely getting in the way of maintaining aspects of your life, your probably just like everyone else with their own different shade of personality.
Rock Candy78027799
2012-09-25 01:57:00
I did not know that there was so many asspies around here! Well nice, then, I guess.