No traindrawings this week either :C
This week, my Peach project with Besped got all corrupted and shit. I lost pretty much everything, after working on it for a whole day. Which sucks. I didn't feel like doing all that shit again, because it was really hard and complicated. I talked with Besped, and I could do something else instead. So I just started up a new project. Hopefully it wont die on me.
At least he liked the remaints of the betas I had left.

Speaking of which, Besped and I have been staying up for a while now, working on Onihole. It is finally coming to an end. If we are lucky, it might ACTUALLY be done by next update. There's a few things left to code, which may or may not be problematic, as well as a few graphical problems that should be pretty easy to solve.

Let's hope we don't run into any more trouble with this project!

Huff, I'm really tired now though. I'm gonna give Besped a few more instructions and then head to bed.

Sorry for yet a content-less update.
2012-09-09 18:35:30
Rock Candy
Comments (15)
2012-09-15 13:34:03
RockCandy, I didn't mean to be rude. I just couldn't find any mention of any Peach project in earlier news stories, so I was confused about this update.
2012-09-14 15:07:44
You'll see loads of buttsex just check out Po~Ju Shota!
The Central Scrutinizer
2012-09-12 20:47:00
No worries, man. As a previous flash animator, I know the anger and frustration of flash crashing after drawing one simple damn line.
2012-09-12 14:03:09
What Peach project?
2012-09-11 18:24:47
Come on Besped and Rock Candy lets get this shit done. Gogogogogogoggo.
2012-09-11 11:54:55
don't worry man you'll do just great.keep up the good work.
Rock Candy77117710
2012-09-11 11:46:31
I usually do not make backups 5 times a day. Even if I had a recent back up, it would still be corrupted, because it went corrupt earlier too. Besides, I did a lot of major changes in a single day, working a lot. When I saved at the end of day and I was about to go to sleep, it went corrupt. And that's when I said fuck it, because doing all that again is just too much. So it was pretty much fucked anyhow. Anyway, doing new shit, hopefully it'll be better and less of a chore to make.
2012-09-11 11:41:11
Well, what about doing backups of your works if it corrupts that easily. It isnt hard and would safe you a lot of frustration. Because right now its only your fault that all your work is gone.
2012-09-11 06:09:00
Yo Rock, it don't matter how long it takes you. Your true fans, the people for whom you bother to make you games in the first place, still support you, and wait patiently for your latest masterpiece. Our only hope now is that Onihole don't suffer the same fate Peach did.
2012-09-10 07:10:57
... Did you literally cry? Yikes, child, get yourself the fuck together.
2012-09-10 00:23:56
Not gonna lie... I cried a little :(.
2012-09-09 21:50:52
I love your work! I Don't care how long it takes I'll wait
2012-09-09 20:37:39
Who cares about it you are putting the work in and not charging anything.You may get help from others but usually with trades or other agreements.People have work or other things to do so not staring at the computer.
2012-09-09 19:20:00
Noooooo!peach hentai is my favorite! In other news, I am praying for onihole to be done next week. I'm not sure if God likes flash hentai games, but it can't hurt.
2012-09-09 19:12:36
don't worry man, you do an awesome work!