Tired update
Agh! I have no content for this week's update! I don't even remember what happened the last seven days... Ugh. Oh right, I got myself the New Super Mario Bros. 2 game, so I played through that. Quite fun, but a bit on the short side.

I wanted to scan two awful train drawings, but unfortunately dad decided it was a good idea to stay up all night and watch women playing tennis. I should really not wait until the last minute to do the scanning... I have not drawn shit for months, so I'm a bit rusty. Nyugh. I guess I've just been to busy with writing and flashing and whatever else I can find to do instead of drawing.

Just a little fun fact, I had to go see a psychiatrist and he said I might get an early retirement. Then I don't have to bother with finding a job and stuff and I can do flash and art and writing all day every day. That sounds quite nice to me.

As for now though, I must really focus on getting to work on my trade with Besped. I was hoping I could get it done at the beginning of this month, but as usual with me, things tend to get in the way, or it becomes more complicated than I expected and I have to delay. And I really don't want Besped to think I half-assed the flash, so I'm trying my best to make it look well, even though it was supposed to be made quickly. Tricky to find a balance there...

Umm... so yeah. I don't really have much else to say today. I'm gonna head to bed and hope next week wont be as stuffed and distracting.

May the butt of Zu please all of you.
2012-09-02 16:49:16
Rock Candy
Comments (16)
2012-09-08 15:57:33
Just gotta say, Haters gon' hate. Keep up the good work, man! =D
Rock Candy76917690
2012-09-04 06:53:18
oh. Well, he's beenbusy with work and stuff lately, so I asked Besped to help instead. We've made progress so far, ya, but not anything mentionworthy.
2012-09-04 06:51:16
actually I was meaning if Mittsies, who I understand is working on coding Onihole, has made any sort of mentionable progress?
Rock Candy76887686
2012-09-04 02:16:34
No, I don't have the skill to do that... I wish I could though.
2012-09-04 00:28:10
Stereotypical autism entails the need for everything to be perfect, including patterns... Does this mean the buttsex you have us all see is more perfect than all other buttsex?
Rock Candy76837682
2012-09-03 08:10:08
With Mittsies? You mean anything between us? No?
2012-09-03 08:04:34
if you don't mind me asking, has there been anything going on with Mittsies?
2012-09-02 20:38:53
I am sorry I did not know you had disabilities I will never mess with you or comment on your website again bye and sorry.
2012-09-02 19:03:44
I know I am. I would love that.
Rock Candy76787677
2012-09-02 18:44:03
You're just jealous.
2012-09-02 18:34:51
That's because you live in Sweden. Sweden sucks. Oh, You're autistic. Isn't Sweden the country where they mail you a check if you're out of work so there's no reason to even hunt for a job? Your country is a failure.
Rock Candy76767674
2012-09-02 17:11:03
It's asperger stuff. I shoulda mentioned.
2012-09-02 17:03:35
Yep. I can see an humongous torrent of shit flowing towards here... I don't give a damn though, and neither should you.
I can has early retirement?
2012-09-02 17:00:33
So you can go to a psychiatrist and get an early retirement? If you can, explain?
2012-09-02 16:57:52
RC before people start being ass-clowns complaining about the empty update i would just like to say that while it does take you a long time to produce new flashes people should remember that this is all for free. i know a lot of artists who have the same (and in some cases less) quality rate as you & in short just ignore the ass-faggots. & to anyone saying im a but licker or but kisser, i realy dont give a shit. you get free good quality flashes from a guy who puts his own time into it without profit & yet you bitch and moan.
2012-09-02 16:57:14
inb4 comments about onihole