Today will be quick update, because quick is good.

Flash: RC Advantures

Fan Fiction: Ellie and Zu Get Lost: Part 13

Fan Video thing:

Man, you guys are whiny. Do you really think I do not want to give Onihole to ya? If I could, I'd finish it right now, but I can't. Everything's finished but the coding, which is something I cannot help. I wasn't teasing anyone, morons, I was making fun of how long time this shit takes. Don't think I'm doing nothing while I wait for Onihole to be coded, I have already started up other flashes in the mean time.

I mean fuck. Koopa's got this right, you should all become like him.

Leave if you want, it wont affect the time it takes for Onihole to get finished or me in any way.
2012-08-12 15:45:29
Rock Candy
Comments (55)
2012-08-19 21:41:13
you should find a better hobby
this is fake everyone
2012-08-19 19:56:53
anyway my family is from sweden and i dont know why i like messing with you but i am no good at it but i wont give up.
Rock Candy75817580
2012-08-19 14:14:02
Nope, I got you. I knew it was you. No one else would be that stupid.
this is fake everyone
2012-08-19 14:11:09
got you
Rock Candy75797578
2012-08-19 02:08:14
You do realize that I live in Sweden, right?
Hi rock candy
2012-08-19 00:51:11
If you need a hand coding CALL OR TEXT 215 800 7220 if you want to see my work call me
2012-08-17 23:35:00
You people are retarded, shut up and fap.
Lolig my ass off
2012-08-17 19:52:34
Eh yo RC don't mind these punk ass bitches. You do good stuff and you dont normally disappoint. Now I really don't give two fucks about Onihole( not a fan of tentacles)but I still want to play it. I'm frustrated that its taking so long but who isnt? Keep doing what you do and do your best.Goat fuckers gonna fuck goats.
2012-08-16 23:08:16
Turtle power
2012-08-16 19:08:52
the only thing though about such a long wait time is that people's expectations tend to get raised, sometimes to unreasonable levels
2012-08-15 11:49:24
how weird that people who love to see anal sex can be so butt hurt you just have to wait,it will worth the wait im sure just like all the previous flashes
2012-08-15 10:15:28
Who knew people could get so butt hurt over butt sex?
The Jin
2012-08-15 00:16:20
This is getting as bad as youtube comments...
A sane person with a life
2012-08-14 15:43:06
Ok ermm. the hell is wrong with all of you? if you don't like waiting forever for something don't wait for it. it's that simple. I've never made flashes before, but I have coded it takes shit tons of time and work, and honestly are any of you volunteering in ANY way to help? didn't think so. I actually enjoyed the WAHAHAHA no it shows he can actually joke with his fans (his real fans) instead of treating them like business clients, he does have a personality he isn't chained down being forced to draw your desires, even if it take 4 more years to get done how bout you talk with him and actually enjoy what he does put out, when he decides to do it.
2012-08-14 10:27:59
Look peoples everything takes time. You people are getting just as bad as Zone's followers and that's saying something. So take a chill pill.
2012-08-14 07:30:59
If thats Your opinion what are u doing here?
2012-08-13 21:11:45
I like how people are rageing so much. It is as if all they know is porn. Like really I bet more then half the people commenting on here go to this site to look for updates everyday. If you can't wait for something to happen then fuck off. Nobody cares what you think. It is as if you people can't think of something better to do with your life, rather then rage to Rock Candy about him not having the flash done. He can't do anything about it. Mittsies is the one that codes that flash, you know to make everything animate? So stop ripping on Rock Candy and go outside.
2012-08-13 20:01:53
1st: i like his flashes and i think the longer it takes to produce them the closer it gets to perfection. patience is hard to learn. these jizzheads didnt get the irony in dat news update. pathetic retards. 2nd: gay pics? what the kuckuck! XD go on with ur work, no matter how long it takes. true fans stay until the ship sinks... PS.: my captcha was "harpoon fellatio"
2012-08-13 17:03:03
Lol @ the faltering bitches. Get over yourselves, kids. Unless you've donated to Rock Candy, you deserve no voice in which to denounce his free, quality work. And if you have donated to Rock Candy? Well, like I've said in the past, that's on you. Keep doing your thing, Rock Candy, and I- because I am *not* a child- will be here, waiting for when your next bundle of fap material materializes before me, *free* for the oggling. And might I mention that I have something of a life beyond prowling around RockCandy.se, so I am not living or dying based on what this guy produces or does not produce.
you are a ass kisser
2012-08-13 15:38:51
Every thing that Rock candy has done looks half done anyway.