Yet another Onihole-less update.
Mittsies hasn't been free for a while now... Nyurp. I hate waiting.

Well, I scanned some pictures for today's update at least.
Ellie tentacle sketch. Made by me and Yulia.

Raccons can't play tennis. Based off of a conversation I had on the 3DS. Huhu.

Irritated Sixten, another train drawing...

Yeah, I've been jumping back and forth with other projects while Onihole's waiting to be coded. There isn't really anything I can do to speed up the process. I really wanna see it done...

Oh well, it's time for bed. Next week it'll already be august...
2012-07-29 17:51:26
Rock Candy
Comments (37)
this is fake everyone
2012-08-03 18:40:11
so I did make you get new email loser it must suck to be you.
this is fake everyone
2012-08-03 18:35:34
please it is no fun if you don't play.
Rock Candy74327431
2012-08-03 18:32:42
Like I'd tell ya?
this is fake everyone
2012-08-03 18:30:17
what is your email?
Rock Candy74307429
2012-08-03 18:28:27
Hm? Since you started doing all that jazz, I already changed email.
even more happy emails for you
2012-08-03 18:23:26
since you like your DELETE key so much
2012-08-03 06:05:46
Your material is somewhat controversial. So you should definitely keep an eye out for a good spamdefense. Sooner than later i'd say.
Rock Candy74207418
2012-08-02 09:27:03
Wish I could. There's no such function yet, but if I ever get to fixing shit up, I'll be adding one of those.
Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter
2012-08-02 09:22:57
You and me both :)
2012-08-02 09:21:11
Example See how easy it is to fake being Mittsies. @RC can you make it so that the real one (if he ever does post here) gets a yellow name tag like yours?
Rock Candy74177415
2012-08-02 03:13:27
It's not like you can tell which one is the real one anyway. Gotta do something about that some day.
2012-08-02 02:32:28
I like buttholes being penetrated.
2012-08-02 02:17:02
I guess I owe him an apology but then again he did not do anything to stop it. If he had stepped in to say something instead of letting it go this far kinda makes me think he wanted it to happen and sat back to watch..
Rock Candy74147412
2012-08-02 01:22:06
Those are fake Mittsies.
2012-08-02 01:17:06
My head hurts and I feel stupid for arguing with kids wow. =_= All the time I wasted here instead of toning. No wonder the guys from the forums never come here.. should have listened... :/
2012-08-02 01:13:34
Swearing isn't going to get you point across just to let you know that, but then again you could be a kid too like most here not that I have anything against age here.. As I said before I say it to you as well. I have nothing against you so don't take this the wrong way. I don't remember arguing about a flash brah or making a rage post about him talking too long. I think you should go back a read the last few post; better yet I'll post ehm at the end myself seeing as that might be too hard for to look on your own.. I also find it funny how some of you defend butthurtsies when he rages over nothing. If anyone says anything about him you guys defend that immature scrub like it's you last line of defense. I bash him because of his mouth and not cause of how long he takes at coding the flash. Here is very first post to him and his reply. Mittsies7th of July 2012 - 20:40 fuck all you assholes you will get it if i feel like giving it to you! (Extreme-Brah7th of July 2012 - 21:07 Ouch.. Way to talk to the guys who aren't rushing you.. :l Mittsies 7th of July 2012 - 21:44 I don't care you need to kill your self. Mittsies7th of July 2012 - 21:51 The only thing extreme about you is the amount you eat fat pig.) You will most likely read, but eh that is what I get for trying to talk to kids anyway :/
2012-08-02 00:43:32
I can understand that but, kids these days are fucking retard and full of themselves. Constantly swearing at random people with cap locks makes this kid look even more immature. I could care less what he does with the flash or his pony porn, but his anger problem is the only thing that bothers me. As for the ass kissing I'm all for trying new things I just hope you're clean brah. :3
2012-08-01 23:27:10
Not ass kissing I just happen to not like people who are blatantly rude about other peoples intrests or hobbies internet or real life its just a dick move simple as that from my perspective though if you want some ass kissing im sure we could meet up it sounds like it would be a good kinky time LOL
2012-08-01 20:20:51
You are arguing about a hentai flash... There are literally millions of those out there, if your so bent on seeing more flashes then go somewhere else, don't bitch here because some delays have pushed onihole further back, if mitties is this good at coding then know he is taking his time to make it better, he has coded for RC before, remember how good those looked and how well they worked? Well it's because of the dude your bashing because your being impatient. Let the fucking dude do what he can in the time he is avaialible and shut your fucking mouth.
2012-08-01 10:52:06
Hi everyone I was thinking does any one see anything wrong with a full grown man that lives with his dad using kids to script porn?