Today I learnt that Sixten, the cat that I thought was dead and based Sixten off of, came back to my old home. Six years after he suddenly went missing, he comes back just like that. I wonder what he's been up to... How did he survive for 6 years in the wild, on his own? I don't even remember what he looks like... I've seen Charlie's face too much.
I have not met him yet, and I'm not sure if I can either. I wonder if he will stay at home or go away again?

Huff... Anyway...

So Mittsies finished his project, and is now able to code Onihole, when his parents aren't around and I'm awake. It has at least started, and I hope it'll be finished soon. I noticed I had forgot to find sound effects, so I might have to go look for some. I just recently discovered that my Mp3 player had a microphone for some reason, that was actully decent, so I might use it, huhu.

As for anything else, I have been stuck playing Pikmin for the last couple of days. I played too much and now I have a headache... Who knew it was going to be that much fun? I did not expect that.

I've started working on a flash trade with Besped. It shouldn't be too long, but it can't be crappy either, so it's tricky to find a balance. Nyorp.

Anyway, Charlie is staring instensively at me. I think he wants to go outside. I'll let him out and then I'll sleep off my headache...

2012-07-22 15:41:21
Rock Candy
Comments (21)
The Central Scrutinizer
2012-07-25 02:19:33
Congrats for your cat coming back. Its a pretty emotional thing, after all. Heres hoping that headache goes away. - Imaginary Joe
2012-07-24 15:14:37
Wow. I personally love Pikmin and as such this is big for me. P.S. Congrats to RL Sixten!
Rock Candy73347332
2012-07-24 00:26:34
I'm not even interested in japan or it's culture, though.
Rock Candy73337324
2012-07-24 00:25:06
But I didn't.
2012-07-23 23:27:44
Maybe next you and your weeaboo ass can be the one to fuck off for six years.
2012-07-23 21:22:56
A guy that can make smexy sounds :3 funnnnn
Some weirded out guy
2012-07-23 15:50:07
Yeah but you're not meant to tell us where they come from :s
2012-07-23 14:27:09
Cat's are strange creatures. Not as domesticated or loyal as dogs, and can survive on their own better. Sometimes they do just leave. Never come back or maybe one day they show up again like yours did. Mine never left for that long but I have had some stay away for up to 3 to 6 months then randomly show up again.
Apollo S
2012-07-23 10:05:40
BAHAHAHAHA eh i'm sure that didn't stop him! When you live int he while you grow balls! So that cat regrew those balls and then went on to enjoy his 6 year journey!
2012-07-23 06:52:14
The beginning of the end!
2012-07-23 02:23:20
I'm really impressed with how civilized everyone is being about Onihole this week. Not a single hurr-durr why is it not out yet? in sight
2012-07-23 02:08:27
LOL it's 2 in the morning were i am.... well Thats amazing how he can come back after 6 years
Rock Candy73157313
2012-07-23 00:50:01
He was castrated though.
Rock Candy73147308
2012-07-23 00:49:16
"ecchi sounds"? The hell? Also, where do you think everyone else's sound effects comes from? That they just magically appear when needed? Nope, you gotta do that yourself.
Apollo S
2012-07-22 20:51:14
HOLY CRAP! Came back after 6 years??? Dude that cats lived almost its whole life wandering the wilderness seeing everything that most cats can only dream of seeing they've been to kitty vegas and seen women of all shapes and sizes...then banged them. They have lived the life my friend, envy that cat...
Matty C
2012-07-22 20:45:45
Hurry up with more flashes, said in love.
2012-07-22 20:44:20
I guess that cat is a REAL Bear Grylls.
2012-07-22 19:25:43
Pikmin :3
2012-07-22 19:18:41
My cat also disappeared T_T , i hope they come back...
Some weirded out guy
2012-07-22 17:41:02
Microphone....dude wtf... thats like telling us the ecchi noises are made by your mouth... how do u expect anyone to be able to fap after reading that? also nice to hear that Onihole should be done soon.