well fuck
Crosstail flash is finished, please go shake it out:

Onihole is going to be delayed for a while longer. While I finished up everything I could do with it, Mittsies is currently busy finishing a flash project of his own, so Onihole has to wait until he has finished that.

While waiting, I also made the Crosstail flash everyone's been waiting for, and that's why this update became a little late. I was working on it and forget to update...
The Crosstail Flash is also finished and is waiting for being scripted as well, so double the fun when he gets to it, I guess.

Anyway, I got two flashes and a picture from FlashmasterXD, so this update wasn't all flash-less after all!

The mystery behind Zoo's changing haircolor is solved!!
A quickie about pulling a prank on Death...
And the picture:
Another "Oops!"

So all we have to do now, is to play the waiting game.

I was going to make a trade & collab with Besped, but he seems to have vanished for the moment.


Well I guess that leaves me with some time to write some on the character bios, which I have not done in quite a while....
2012-06-25 10:19:17
Rock Candy
Comments (40)
Flash Kiddie
2012-07-01 19:00:04
If you must, ask if he needs to update flash, or maybe consider upgrding to a higher rig System [ 32-bit -> 64-Bit or XP -> W7
Rock Candy70927090
2012-07-01 06:09:12
Usually not too long, but as this project crashes his flash, it might take some time.
2012-07-01 02:31:49
aw, man. I thought that's what it was. how long does the coding usually take?
Rock Candy70897088
2012-07-01 01:34:41
Mittsies does the coding.
2012-07-01 00:46:16
clearly i haven't been here long enough, but why do you have to wait until mittsies is done with his? why can't you just put your's up before he's done with whatever he's working on? sorry if this is a stupid question, but i don't get it
2012-06-29 19:40:13
I suppose we'll have to agree to disagree. Z0NE has a degree in animation and has been doing it for more than a decade, that's why I hold Z0NE in the highest regard.
2012-06-29 10:17:56
I wasn't so much talking about the animation work as I was the sound work and more about who the character is in regards to the show they come from. As was already stated, having background music/art voice clips and the attitudes already animated gives Zone a lot of material to work with. While he may animate different characters and different art styles, having these things takes a lot of work out of it. I wouldn't be so quick to judge Zone having such a hard time making these animations.
2012-06-28 23:37:16
I love RC's animations and Z0NE's as well, but I'm going to have to disagree with you. RC is comfortable with his characters and has animated most of them more than once. Z0NE usually does a new character each flash and has to adapt his style to each character, surely that is harder than animating a character you have had time to hone and develop.
2012-06-28 23:23:45
Ahhh right, so you're not a random who claims he associates with RC, I retract my previous statement. I'm a big fan of Z0NE so I'm pretty quick to defend his/her work. How much you've helped is pretty irrelevant at this stage, it's all up to Mittsies haha.
2012-06-28 12:19:51
While that is normally true for RC's characters, Onihole features Suika, a character from Touhou, who does have a personality and background and voice clips and whatnot. But normally yea, Rock Candy has his own characters in the animations which is much tougher to deal with than an already well established character.
Morgan Freeman Titty Sprinkles
2012-06-28 09:10:59
one big difference between RC & ZONE is that all characters from RC are original, ZONE's characters are from series. So they already have a personality, voice, background music from serie, artstyle, etc. he just needs to copy it. (ZONE & RC's flashes are both good.)
2012-06-27 15:53:27
Well I don't post for you, so whether you like my tone or not is irrelevant. however a negative attitude serves no purpose but to harm. This is a time to rejoice! All you need to know, is that I'm helping RC out as much as I can to make this the best flash it can be.
2012-06-27 15:47:54
Now we know, and any word from Mittsies?
Rock Candy70557052
2012-06-27 15:20:27
Yeah, I know him, he usually helps me judge animation and other things. He also helped ripping sounds for this. I dunno about the animatin quality though, that's gonna be up to you to judge.
2012-06-27 15:12:31
The waiting game is getting boring, but at least I know something good is going to come out of playing it. I wonder how many people are looking up Mittsies to find out how long they are going to be.
2012-06-27 14:40:50
Even IF the quality was higher, and that's a gigantic if, the subject matter of Z0NE's flashes is much more appealing to the majority. Also, RC do you actually know this guy? Because he seems just a few shades too crazy and intense for my liking.
2012-06-27 12:12:37
As quoted before from RC: "So you want a garbled mess of graphics and soundclips playing all at once?" That is why Mitties needs to do the rest, technically it is not done.
Morgan Freeman Titty Sprinkles
2012-06-27 12:05:58
Why do you need to wait for Mittsies, if it's already finished?
2012-06-27 08:46:07
I see you hold Zone in very high regard. Well, nevertheless, there are many things Zone has neglected to do to improve the quality of his flashes. Weaknesses if you will. I have preyed upon those weaknesses and strengthened them in RC's flash. That's mainly what I put myself in charge of. It was more a hidden agenda I had, that I pursued it without Rock Candy's knowledge. But you'll see when the flash comes out. ;)
2012-06-27 01:40:28
Really? I mean, I love RC's work, but Z0NE perfectly mimics animation styles and has the highest quality of flash animation you can find. Maybe it will be as good as Z0NE's work, but not better, no way.