I almost forgot to update today due to Nintendo's Pre-E3 stream thingy. It looked interesting, though I'm not sure all that stuff is anything for me. I'm looking forward to see what games they are planning for it. Hmhm.

Anyway, I have no content today, only fanart.
I finally finished all the cumshots, which is really NICE because it is booring as fuck to make. I'm now currently working on the aftermaths, which I hope shouldn't take as long as the damned cumshits.

Anyway, fanart from nice and awesome people!:

Something... I don't really know... FlashMasterXD made it, and you know what random stuff he makes.

Oops, more failed magic spells! Made by Guodzilla! He's a real champ, drawing so many pictures all the time...

Don't rape the maids! A "sequel" to those pictures I made of Zu in her maid suit being raped by that guy.

Japanese Psycho Girl. Now that's interesting... Drawn by Mugen.

Za boobs! watch out or you'll be smothered by them.

I hope you had a great week!! I... had a pretty lame week. I've mostly been hyped for E3. I want my Luigi's Mansion 2 damnit!

uhh... My birthday is next tuesday!
Just in case you were interested. Huff.

Well... Good bye, then. See ya next week.
2012-06-03 18:01:35
Rock Candy
Comments (7)
2012-06-11 05:34:01
where is this weeks update?
2012-06-07 06:34:43
fuck, i should read the comments b4 i write 1 -.-
2012-06-07 06:32:57
happy delayed b-day... sry 4 the l8 greetings, just watched today 4 new updates.
2012-06-05 18:25:21
I'm just gonna say Happy Birthday now so that i dont forget xD Have a good one!
2012-06-04 21:28:00
I've been following your stuff for a while now, and enjoy it tons! And, to encourage festivities and spontanious singing in RC, I would just like to say... MY BIRTHDAY IS SATURDAY! EAT IT, BIYOTCH!!! Haha HA! Sorry, but deeply and truly, happy birthday to my favourite animator, bro/sis(I perfer to think of you as a genderally ambiguous butt-sex machine)! P.S.: You are tired of cumshots?! He/she who is tired of cumshots is tired of life!
Rock Candy68806876
2012-06-04 02:05:15
My birthday is NEXT tuesday, not this upcoming one.
2012-06-03 20:46:38
Happy birthday, RC. :) Thank you for giving us years of quality fapping material... I love you.