Summer... Is here?
Summer has arrived to Sweden this week. It's been really hot and sweaty. Due to this, I have less time to spend at the computer, as dad wants to do stuff like play Tennis and stuff, and I have to cut grass all the time. And I have two yards to mow as well. It's awful.

Still, I've made some great progress, I only have 1&½ cumshots left to make in Onihole which is gooooooooood.
(I still have to fix facial expressions, belly inflation, buttons & coding, and some other misc stuff, though...)

I drew some pictures for ya all, so you have something to look at this week.
Za being angry for some reason. I thikn she may be angry with you...
Battered Zoo, walking away.
Zoo, covered in stinky semen. She's not happy.
Trash comic. Based off of something that happened to me a while back...

Oh, and I also got a fanart with a crossover with Zu and some disgusting vagina game.
FlashmasterXD drew it.

Hmph... That was all.
I'm going to bed, it's three in the morning and it's getting bright out already.

Have some nice music while you're watching stuff:
2012-05-27 18:05:22
Rock Candy
Comments (32)
2012-06-07 23:36:47
uh, not really, no.
Rock Candy68816865
2012-06-04 02:06:10
2012-06-03 18:52:34
Go ask your daddy for some money.
Rock Candy68646863
2012-06-03 18:07:07
That doesn't make you less immature. Now you're just trying to explain away yourself.
2012-06-03 18:04:36
At least I dont live with my mom or dad and have my own house.
Rock Candy68626861
2012-06-03 17:15:38
You're immature.
2012-06-03 17:11:41
What point was that?
Rock Candy68606859
2012-06-03 17:07:20
I like how you just proved his point with your immature reply.
2012-06-03 17:00:26
Hi depressed person I am glad you liked my comments that moved you to type so many words. It is all ways nice to have fans thanks for your support.
depressed person
2012-06-03 01:07:09
To see you die a little more*
depressed person
2012-06-03 00:53:24
Blockcaptin007 you have got to be a very unhappy person you are very depressing aswell. I can tell you have very little friends because you cannot act like an adult..even if you tried things will not go the way you need it to go. The only attention your going to get from regular people is negetive responses because you don't know how to talk to others. So you can say whatever comes to will always be alone even though if you get married or around others. I can make a guess that you been through a sld program in school...cheated..abusive because someone did it to you and tried to fit in but could not. So come back if you would so that everyone can see die Inside a little more:) Ps don't forget the only words that you know in your vocabulary.
Rock Candy68406839
2012-05-29 14:05:01
Seriously though, I'm not really interested in it, vaginas or not. I was just making a joke.
2012-05-29 12:04:17
Well, 1 or 2 enemies has something /like/ a vagina, but it is a gash in their bodies and it shots LAZARS. The other is a Womb, not specifically a vagina. Oh, and it's really cool how you're dealing with these trolls without feeding them. You are one of my heroes.
Rock Candy68386837
2012-05-29 11:31:18
Well, I have to, because you fail at it.
2012-05-29 11:29:31
What ever you need to tell your self.
Rock Candy68366835
2012-05-29 11:25:18
I see. Either way, I'm happy, because I don't like to have people around me. And I don't find girls attractive anyway, which is why things didn't work out when I did have one.
2012-05-29 11:23:07
so he gave up. Well now that I know I have your attention you are a ugly person that cant get a girl friend. I will not let think you don't want a girl friend you are alone because your a loser. Never think it is your choice. that is how it is good day!
Rock Candy68346833
2012-05-29 10:56:26
Hm? Naw, he doesn't bother me at all.
2012-05-29 10:55:04
he messed you up good diddint he. he did you no favors. so does your dad still come in your room at night?
Rock Candy68326831
2012-05-29 10:18:39
Nah, he wouldn't do that, he's too nice.