Foop foop
I updated the "Welcome" text, the About page and added some stuff to the "rules box" at the Guest Book and Request Box. Please shake them out~! They should be a bit more informative, I hope...

Anyway, I didn't really make anything worthwhile this week, even though I hoped to. Stuff kept coming up. Meh.
I have at least gotten started with the cumscene for Onihole, though only the beginning of it. If things goes like planned, it should look very good without me having to put weeks of work into it. ... yeah ...

So I got some fanart this week!
Za Punching, made by Extreme-Brah in COLORS 3D, on the 3DS. It looks a bit better in 3D, but it's still awesome even without it!

And a picture of who knows what, by Guodzilla!
Guodzilla was supposed to have Part 11 of Ellie and Zu Get Lost done by this update, but when we discussed it, we agreed that there were some things that could be changed for the better!
So you'll have to wait a bit more for the next part, I'm sure you're all excited about the next part, am I right?

Well, I think I should go eat some hot dogs before I go to bed. Mmm...
2012-05-06 15:58:38
Rock Candy
Comments (15)
Some Faggot
2012-05-13 17:46:54
... So, uh, Animegirl... Despite my User Name, uh... you come to the internet often, or what? ;)
level 39 hobo of justice
2012-05-10 22:38:35
no actually i didnt know there was a FAQ tab under about, after you mentioned it i went and looked and BAM it was right there. thank you that was all anyone had to say.
2012-05-08 21:52:44
oks.. really looking forward too see your new anal flashes.. got anything in mind?
2012-05-08 17:55:06
Did you ever knew that there was an FAQ tab? Before posting those comments why not read them first?
level 39 hobo of justice
2012-05-08 07:00:19
hey man don't be hatin, it was a question not an insult.
2012-05-08 02:09:59
HE DOESN'T LIKE VAGINAL!!! DEAL WITH IT!!! As to why, no one knows...
Rock Candy66836682
2012-05-08 01:51:00
Really? Because I answer this question like 50 times a month.
level 39 hobo of justice
2012-05-07 22:27:45
so why is it that there is no vaginal in your flashes? (not saying its needed i think anal>vaginal but i don't think i ever heard why your so opposed)
2012-05-07 09:30:45
2012-05-07 02:58:17
Some Faggot
2012-05-07 02:11:34
Rock Candy66746672
2012-05-07 02:06:14
Of course there's no vaginal, why are you even asking such a thing?
Rock Candy66736671
2012-05-07 02:04:34
2012-05-07 01:39:49
man i love you stuff.. i really looking forward to see your new flashes.. no vaginal right?
2012-05-06 20:59:25
. . . Sigh.