hello, this is RC
Just here to drop off this week's update.

I managed to finish two whole pictures, some sprites and an important part of Onihole this week. I would say it was a rather productive week, though I feel like it could have been better still.

Dickgirl Zoo. (it's a bit bloody, so don't watch if sensitive or some bullshit like that, blah blah.)
Zu Butt!! In all its colored glory.

For some reason, I got lots of fanart this week, from someone OTHER than Guodzilla!!!

We shall begin with fanart from a dude calling himself "Helm of Shit", for some reason.
Crazy Za 1
Crazy Za 2
Crazy Za 3
Crazy Za 4
It's always Zoo that winds up in situations like these, it seems like....

Next, I got some crazy mod-3D-models from a guy named Joshua!
Personally, I think they're really cool~!

And, this isn't really fan art for me, but for Project X. But Zu's in it, which is very rare, so I figured I could upload it here as well!
Project X: Airship Infiltration!

And last, but not least, a piece from an artist that wishes to remain anonymous!

This one is my favorite, and I think you know why! :3

And that was all I got for today's update... Tomorrow I must plan out how I want things to work out in Onihole... Hnngh. not easy, but it has to be done!
2012-04-29 17:28:45
Rock Candy
Comments (9)
2012-05-05 18:05:48
Could you RC draw me a picture of the count of monte cristo. It's my favorite story
2012-04-30 16:33:48
And I liked the guro part as well :P
2012-04-30 16:28:20
I really love the comic as well, though she seemed like a trap and not a dickgirl to me(which made it even better)
2012-04-30 16:00:48
I for once loved the guro part, not so much the dick on Zoo but I'm fine with it. Great update.
Unforgiven sins
2012-04-30 12:47:29
Awesome... Thats all that covers that comic! Damn... I want more!!! =) Nice job, dude!
The Central Scrutinizer
2012-04-30 12:25:13
Helm of Shit guy seems... Really fucked up.
2012-04-30 07:49:42
Dickgirl zoo looks great, except for the guro part... You should definitely draw more dickgirl zoo, this was really well done. Without the sadistically bizarre torture part, if possible, XD. Zu Butt looks really hot as well... Lookin' forward to oniHole! Glad to see you're starting to produce stuff once more, ;P
2012-04-29 21:16:23
:O Those models are from ModNation Racers. Very well done and that comic freaked me out a bit...
2012-04-29 18:13:58
That Zu Butt :3 Good to see things are going better for you again