Quick update...
I was away on a playdate from friday to sunday, and when I got back home I was too tired to update, not that I had anything to show anyway. Only two fanarts, which is always nice!

One from Guodzilla and one from DM DOKURO!
They're both Zoo-pictures, which is nice. You don't usually see people drawing her. :3

Anyway, work on Onihole is now back on, and I think it is going surprisingly well (aside from me being distracted from time to time), and I think while the art isn't top-notch for the flash anymore (it was supposed to be short, so meh), I still think that the animation and small details will make up for it. Cumscene is in work right now, I think I'm around 20% through. I really wanna make the cumscene good, but I don't want to keep you all waiting TOO long.

...It's already been too long, hasn't it? :C
Well, bleh. Hopefully it'll be worth it. I think I'm going to make a Zoo-edit of it as well, for those who prefer catgirls over onis, like myself. (Touhou porn isn't really my thing.)

Uh, so ya, I'm off to bed. Nights~!
2012-04-23 16:51:25
Rock Candy
Comments (14)
2012-04-29 11:52:01
get to work you lazy fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rock Candy66366635
2012-04-26 12:26:15
I know, I've spoken to him on MSN several times.
2012-04-26 11:41:45
You do have a point there. But what I mweant was that he seems to have a tendency to accept half-a-dozen commisions, go under the radar for a few months, and after much complaint, give a refund.
Rock Candy66326628
2012-04-26 02:03:27
What flash artist doesn't? He seems like a nice dude to me, even if other people think not. I'm not paying him anything anyway...
Rock Candy66316630
2012-04-26 02:02:13
'cause, other people might like it! It wasn't supposed to become this conplicated and take this long to finish in the first place. But then I changed my mind, and it seems fun to make a Zoo version of it as well. Might even make a third version with Crosstail, to get that stuff over with as well....
2012-04-26 00:19:43
I understand that! But the question is - why making a Tohou character in the first place, when as you said yourself, you're not really into them and planning to do a catgirl version either way.
2012-04-25 23:56:21
really looking forward to this, along with you possibly working together with besped. I hope you are aware that besped does have a rather... unfortunate reputation.
2012-04-25 12:32:35
Great things cum to those who wait.
Rock Candy66236622
2012-04-25 01:42:47
But there will be catgirl version...
2012-04-25 00:36:09
Wait, wait... You *don't* like Touhou hentai? Then why on the love of catgirls are you doing in with Oni in the first place? >:O I mean I was like "hmm, would like another catgirl or something but since the authour prefers a little change once in a while, meh, fine by me. The faps will be good anyway!" >:|
Wisdom Speaks
2012-04-24 14:50:58
Can't rush GREATNESS!
helm of shit
2012-04-24 02:51:06
how do you people submit fan stuff?
2012-04-23 18:56:54
I made a Zoo picture, but fucked up. I like it though :3
Mr. Feature!
2012-04-22 13:32:19
I posted in the feature! >:D Check the posting date compared to the actual news post O.o Tho, i just made a point about u need to make a database check to see if its a new post, ect use: if(mysql_num_rows(Database thingy)) { echo "do while code or what evar u do x3"; }