So site got haxx0rzed again last friday, to no one's surprise. Some guys saying that Iran is awesome, apparently. Though, personally I don't see what's so awesome about ruining other people's stuff, that sounds pretty awful to me. Those guys should really think through what they're doing and saying. They kinda contradicts themselfes.

Anyway, for once, I actually have new things to upload today!!

Let's start with 3 flashes! No, not Onihole, it is still not done.
But have some other crap instead!!

The first one is this;
Zucky Sucky version 2. As many people complained about there being a "nigger" (remember this word, it is important later!!) in this flash, telling me to remove it many times. So Mittsies took his skin-modification tool from A Blonde in the Dark and installed in Zucky Sucky. However, people complained about that his list said "nigger" in it, which apparently was some SUPER offensive word in americaland and such similiar countries. Well I am not USAian so it is not that bad of word to me.

Anyway it was removed in Sucky Zucky so you guys can shut the fuck up about that goddammit.

SECOND flash is this: Too Many Fantastic Objects!
It's two old flash projects I found while digging around in my flash folder, smashed into a single one. They're both Touhou related and godawful, so it's all good. So go ahead and watch!!

THIRD flash is a FAN FLASH: "Sixten Explains Rock Candy"!
Oooo. Made by FlashMasterXD

I have more things to show, like... These awesome pictures I made!! I made like, 6 in a period of 2½ day, which is a lot for being me!!

I'll start off with this one:
A picture a made for a guy in a trade. He hasn't finished his yet but whatever.
Next, I drew a picture of La, from the fan fiction written by Guodzilla, "Ellie and Zu Get Lost".
Monique Rochenoir de la Rochambeau being assaulted by tentacles!!
I have drawn another picture of her, but I thoiught it sucked and he deserves a better one anyway. So here it is!!

Next, I drew a picture of Ellie getting buttfucked in a public bathroom.
Because Miles Kjeller demanded it.
(I also made a version with a shitty story I made for it. )

After that was done, I thought that Ellie should get buttfucked some more, so I made this little thing:
". . . You get used to it . . .
Ellie seems to get in trouble with things like these a lot, so it's nice to hear that she deals with it pretty nice.

And the last picture, I drew because it was easter.
So it is an easter related picture, with a yummy fucking Zu-butt.

The last one wasn't really drawn by me, but by K@. However, I colored his sketch and cleaned it up a bit.
Happy stuff!!

I'm working on another Zoo comic, however I'm trying to do something other than usual. Hopefully I'll get it done by tomorrow. I have some sprites to make too, but I don't think it should take long to finish those.

That was all for me today, have fun or something!

oh, Dokuro wanted to say something too:
DOKURO's update:
After the bullshit that happened today, I barely even know what to say. 8x, 16x, and 32x-bit Nostalgia will be released on my bandcamp soon enough.
2012-04-08 12:39:07
Rock Candy
Comments (9)
2012-04-10 12:31:06
wow, some people are dicks
Rock Candy65226521
2012-04-10 11:28:22
Apparently because Iran is awesome or something retarded liek that.
2012-04-10 11:23:46
So why is the site being hacked?
2012-04-09 00:31:58
Nigger's a problem but rape isn't? who gives a fucklol
2012-04-08 18:47:38
Way to destroy my hopes :(
2012-04-08 17:14:16
I find this lack of slutty Za disturbing.
Rock Candy64876486
2012-04-08 14:26:39
You shouldn't look forward to it...
2012-04-08 14:25:24
Fucking Hackers.. >:( And a new Zoo Comic x3
2012-04-08 13:13:09
Fuck you haxxor >:O