Hi Hi Hi
I spent the whole last week cleaning my computer and room. Yes, I am slow. Yes, I am procastinating making finishing the flash. But the cumscene is the hardest part of them all, as I have probably said it before. Also I was getting really tired of havingn lots of crap on my computer that I never use, so I cleaned things up and reorganized everything. It took some time, but I am mostly done now.

Raz posted this comic yesterday, but I'm giving you the uncensored version now.
Nyorp Nyorp, click here to see!

I'm satisfied with the results.

Anyway, as I said I was cleaning shit up, and I found lots of interesting things in my old pictures folders:

This here is an old picture of some girl I colored in flash. While the colors might look nice, the girl isn't that fantastic. Meh.
Large picture of girls getting buttsexed by tentacles. It was supposed to be colored by some guy who eventually abandoned it and I forgot about it. Well, here it is now! Not that great, but not that bad either.
Zu with horse. A picture that's kinda old. There isn't really much to it than Zu getting a horse dick up her anus.
First adult picture of Ellie. Yeah... It sucks. But still.
SMILE! Some creepy picture of Zoo...
Parasite Zu. Myeah, I found this kinda interesting, so I uploaded it. I wonder what happened to her.
A short flash loop. A little flash that I made a while back. It's not that good, but it became sort of an inside joke between me and Raz. Fried egg.

I also found a lot of other art, but I don't want to flood the art section with lots of old pieces. You probably don't care anyway.

As for future plans, I'm gonna make some sprites, 'cause Zeta said next demo of Project X is supposed to be released soon... So I have to do that shit real fast then I can go back to my Onihole flash.
2012-03-26 06:51:55
Rock Candy
Comments (4)
2012-03-28 21:15:16
think in this way RC, you have material for updates so no more empty updates for a while.
2012-03-27 00:17:56
Pleeeaaase post the old art?
2012-03-26 15:06:42
Agree with Random Dude
Random Dude
2012-03-26 10:29:22
"I also found a lot of other art, but I don't want to flood the art section with lots of old pieces. You probably don't care anyway." False. I want you to flood the art section with old pieces. Any RockCandy art is good art.