Stupid week.

I have barely done anything on anything this week. I animated some tentacle slime on wednesday, but I think that was all I did. So because of that, I drew some Lollo pictures real quick...

A bunch of Lollo skteches. Wanted to draw her butt, so I did. You don't usually see it, but here it is.

In Fan Stuff news, we've got a new fan fiction, from our own SuperShark88 from the forums! Not that any of you visit it, but still... :3
It's a bit on the short side, but it's very well written.

Annnnd, I got some fan art as well! Two drawings from "Mugen"!
Linda about to do some snowboarding...?
And Ellie with... Tentacles and milk!

Very awesome fan stuff this week, though I feel like I don't deserve it for being such a lazy ass. :C
Sigh. Well, most stuff that I had to do is over with and I can continue flashing now, I hope.

So... uhm... Bye for now!

Also have some Green-eyed Jealousy.
2012-02-19 17:21:15
Rock Candy
Comments (2)
2012-02-21 16:11:28
2012-02-19 23:41:57
Daaaawwwwwwww, I am disappoint RC. Oh well maybe next week.