It's sunday already?! Meh.

Oh well, this week, I finished up smaller projects I had to do. And again, I'm left with no content to upload. At least I got some fanstuff to update with!!

Namely, the fourth part of "The Dungeon"!
He also drew a picture of Damien: Look at it!!
Both things made by Damien himself, of course.

And three pictures by FlashmasterXD!
Some game thingy crossover...
Zu's winterjacket
Valentines Day

Myarp! Very nice.

Now that I think of it... I did upload the new WIP biographies at the forum a while ago.
Here's links to them for those who are interested! Keep in mind that they're still work in progress and they may change as I keep working on them.

Zu's bio!
Zu's backstory!
Za's bio!
Zoo's bio!
Ellie's bio!
Sixten's bio!

Bleh, I shall work on Onihole next week...
2012-02-12 13:46:02
Rock Candy
Comments (1)
2012-02-12 15:39:01
I am both happy and sad about this =D= but love to read it so... ~:3