Tentacles are so BORING to animate.
I've not worked a lot on the flash this week. I suddenly got the urge to play through EarthBound, so I'm currently doing that at the moment. Stupid wonderful game, being all awesome. Oh well, I'm near the end, so I should be back with working on flash soon.

I don't really have a lot to share this week, just two fanarts from Guodzilla.

Picture 1 & Picture 2!

Also, my Wii broke, so now I can't get distracted by playing Brawl all the time. I guess that's a good thing, but that's also what made me pick up EarthBound again.

I should go to sleep now. I need to get up early tomorrow... Today, I mean.
Bleh. I hate making tiny updates, but I really don't have anything else to talk about.

So, G'night~!
2012-02-05 18:36:03
Rock Candy
Comments (22)
2012-02-11 15:18:07
Whoa! Im back. computer exploded. So yah... also Sounds like you working hard to get this done.
Rock Candy60486047
2012-02-10 04:13:59
Huff, well, I'm halfway, kinda.cI have a few animations left to do, not counting possible extra material. The most "problematic" thing will be the cumscene. Also, I have to animate facial expressions and such stuff, and that can take some time as well.
2012-02-10 04:06:25
Indeed a combination of white flash and transition would look rather odd. I very much like the sound of these so called 'extras', very tantalising. Have you got much of it done or is it still under major construction?
Rock Candy60466045
2012-02-10 03:58:57
Well, I have the choice of doing white flashes or transitions, mixing them up wouldn't look very good, me thinks. Yes, still having DP in it. I might add some extras too, but I'm not sure yet. It depends on what I feel like doing when I get there.
2012-02-10 03:52:11
Ah bravo, sounds brilliant. But don't underestimate the placement of a good white flash, in every fucking scene it's awful but once in a while is not so bad haha. Are you still including DP or was that thrown out with the addition of 'all the way through'?
Rock Candy60446043
2012-02-10 03:45:48
No, there's still a transition. I'm making a transition animation for all the "scenes" so I don't have to use the white flash crap. It takes some extra time, but I hope it'll be worth it....
2012-02-10 03:42:07
Hahaha GOD FUCKING DAMMIT ;). Oh well, I thought you might have, did you at least transition it with like a white flash or something?
Rock Candy60426041
2012-02-10 03:35:13
Hah, sorry, but I made it instant, 'cause it was easier and I was lazy...
2012-02-10 03:33:10
Is there going to be a time lapse for the travel of the tentacle through the body? I ask purely because flashes where tentacles go from ass to mouth in the blink of an eye just seem ridiculous. The resistance that the tentacle is met with trying to travel through the characters body should be shown. And yes the irony of making something impossible seem more realistic is not lost on me.
a lovely guy
2012-02-07 16:21:16
yeah, i love tentacle animations, and the best ones are the simple, yet awesome ones XD... at least thats what i think... i mean 'perfection comes in simple things' isnt it?
Rock Candy60276026
2012-02-07 12:58:25
The more things I add to it, the more things it will become to animate, resulting in that it'll become more, not really boring, but tedious as well.
Unbound Sins
2012-02-07 12:52:05
Heheheh, its just more epic with the scary tentacles... i know you can do it CX but its not my call, if you do it or no... i just tried to give you some ideas to make tentacles fun to animate heheh
Cookies on pancakes
2012-02-07 09:42:27
Must... resist... comment that... epic troll... :3
Rock Candy60236022
2012-02-07 07:03:57
Why does it matter to you, if my flashes suck? :3 trololo
2012-02-07 07:02:48
Brawl Sucks, Earthbound sucks, You're a dumbass fuckhead Rock and you flashes suck. Learn to play good games. Instead of playing EB A shitty game, work on your fucking flashes.
2012-02-06 12:51:25
nah... i like some nintendo games (zelda mainly) but i like the hardcore games better... well, i just gave you a suggestion :P anyway, why did you deleted my request at request section? i didn't asked any vaginal sex... if i remember right, i said "double penetration" but in ass lol but forget about it. thx for answering ;)
Rock Candy60176015
2012-02-06 12:34:32
What would I need those for? Those don't have the games I want.
2012-02-06 12:30:18
now you should buy a nextgen console like ps3 or xbox360 lol
2012-02-06 02:33:34
I wouldn't mind it next week...... ;)
Rock Candy60136011
2012-02-06 00:53:04
Do you want the flash next month, or next year?!