Mixed feelings update...
I'd like to start out with Dokuro's update.

Hey. It's gonna be a long pause from now. The computer is finally dead, and until early-to-mid-February, I won't be able to talk to you guys, or give you updates on important things. The bitter truth is: Life is getting the best of me.

Soon enough, I'll have to work with MassRehab to get my driver's license. Something I loathed doing, because that would lead to the next step: Getting a job, which leads to another step: going to college, and the final step: Getting married... If that ever happens. I'm not so humorous, but hey. I'm not so social either.

Other than that, this will be my "final" message to you until I get a new computer, and hopefully work on the Character themes again.

Until then, I'm off for good.


Fucking hell, I miss you all already.

Dokuro sent this to me before his computer died forever. :C
I sure do hope that he manages to get his hands on a new computer. He is a good friend. I'd also rather not release Onihole music-less...

So for updates this week, there's two new fanarts from Guodzilla!

Saber girls & Herbert!!

I also got a fan flash from FlashmasterXD that I turned into an adult one.
Lollo VS. Zu (RC Edit)
I made it in about 6 hours or something, and I think it's pretty nice for a quicke.

Also, I have been workinng Onihole most of the week, and I have almsot finished "loop1" now. Damn tentacles takes forever to animate.
Here, have a screenshot:
2012-01-22 19:41:24
Rock Candy
Comments (13)
2012-01-23 08:21:42
NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! dont leave us here all alone!!
Rock Candy58965895
2012-01-23 06:43:11
Hmmm..... Onihole New Biographies Project X Upcoming trade/collab with Besped It might not seem like a lot, but damn is it a lot to do with each thing.
2012-01-23 06:35:53
Oh well, life can get in the way sometimes. As long as we get something awesome from you it'll be all good. Just out of interest how many projects have you got going at the moment?
Rock Candy58945893
2012-01-23 06:28:04
Sigh, the sidescroller project has not gone well. Mittsies have been unable to do stuff, due to life and shit, so for the moment, it's been canceled. We will, however, attempt to do something similiar when he's less busy with stuff. Same goes for me, I've flooded myself with other projects.... I need to finish them too before doing anything bigger.
2012-01-23 06:14:14
A collab with Besped? sounds intriguing. How's the side scroller project going though?
Rock Candy5892
2012-01-23 06:10:05
I like all the way thru, but as it was supposed to be short, and I'm going to start a collab with Besped soon, I don't want to add too much on it. There will be belly inflation and double-anal in it though.
2012-01-23 05:59:46
Nice job, do we get belly inflation with this one? ^^ Also it is sad to hear the computer has finally died. I would try to help, but every piece of hardware I could spare is definitely even older...
2012-01-23 05:58:35
I like the short flash. You should make more like it and the early flashes. Like Bowser and Zoo, and the Pipe sex plant thingy. Those are like my favs. I also can't wait for Onihole. It's a shame, no all the way thru. I thought you liked that. You made that one sprite for Zu that was all the way thru.
2012-01-23 05:32:47
Awwwwww sadface. Oh well, you're the boss.
Rock Candy5888
2012-01-23 05:02:32
No all the way through, sorry. I'll add double-penetration though.
2012-01-23 04:27:22
I also agree that this flash would benefit greatly from such a penetration. I suppose it's up to RC though.
2012-01-23 02:13:39
Agreed! RC include an 'all the way through' penetration!
2012-01-22 22:39:09
I would gladly pay you over 9000 internets for the Onihole flash to include an 'all the way through' penetration.