Please donate?
Hoi, I'm posting this update because DM DOKURO needs some help with money. I'll let him explain it to you:

Hey, everyone. Sorry I've been away for a while, but I've got unfortunate news.

The sound card in my computer is permanently damaged, thanks to the integrated graphics card. This now delays EVERY music project currently available.

So I REALLY need help if all else around me fails.

The Zen Garden

Please support me and purchase one of these items. It will REALLY mean a lot to me.

The Zen Garden EP is a 5-track compilation of newer music projects.
1. Our Father Time
2. Closed Path
3. The Never-Ending Imaginary Adventures of a Childish Mind (Zu's current theme)
4. Another Traumatic Night at The Hospital (Remix)
5. Unwind

Leviathan is (and was) my most successful album, full of mixed emotions.
1. Restless Sea, Clouded Sky (Sixten's Theme)
2. The Red Skies of Thunder (Lollo's Theme)
3. Their Hearts were Never Mended
4. The Dream Weavers
5. Depression: Forgiveness
6. The Sands of Time
7. I Dream Of The World
8. Zypher
9. Restless Sea, Clouded Sky (Remix)

So please give these a listen, and purchase one of them if you enjoy them. Again, the donations would really mean a lot.

No, I'm serious. I want to make music. Now.


You'll help both me and him out by doing this; I'll get my Character Theme's done and awesome music for my flashes. He made the music for the SSAASSC, and BHEE & the SZ flashes and I'd like to continue having awesome music for both my characters and flashes.

I gave him 150$ myself, and he needs a minimum of 400$ to buy himself a computer. So if you have some spare money, you should totally help us out.

Thanks, bye! :3

(Also as I don't have a deadline on the Onihole flash anymore, I'm putting down some more work into it and adding some extra stuff, so it might take a little longer to finish it.)
2012-01-18 12:30:46
Rock Candy
Comments (8)
Rock Candy58585855
2012-01-20 04:06:24
I'm working on it. It takes time though, and I have multiple projects to work on as well, like Project X and writing and shit.
2012-01-20 01:37:22
makes sense
2012-01-19 23:49:44
Make a new flash and I will donate!!
Rock Candy58545852
2012-01-19 12:17:33
He's been buying new shit for his computer for 3~4 years now, he doesn't think it is worth spending any more money on it, as he knows it will break down soon.
Rock Candy58535851
2012-01-19 12:16:39
Go buy one of his albums, either "The Zen Garden" or "Leviathan".
2012-01-19 11:01:58
wouldn't it be cheaper just to buy a new soundcard?
2012-01-19 09:46:42
Where do i do that?
2012-01-19 09:45:39
Ummmmmm the donate thingy isnt working for me.