The beginnings of the next part in horse project
Fallow's gone through some rough stuff with his other project, but says he'll be focusing on getting Zara done next. I'm not sure, but I'm hoping we'll get it ready before the end of the month.

But since all the graphics are done, as I think I've said before, I started sketching up the Zu&Jo part.
And this is how it looks right now:

It's not finalized yet as you might be able to tell, but I'm going to try to have her done by the end of the week.

Also got a few more drawings to show off!
Have a Sit, a commission of Lollo using the commissioner's character as a chair... and more.
Ellie on Vacation, Ellie is bothered by a man during a stroll.
Demonic Corruption Process, Ellie gets dicked by two big demons.

Well, my friends, that's all for today. Next week I'll probably have some Sixten outfits to show you all.
2020-05-18 02:20:39
Comments (99)
Rock Candy1958219581
2020-05-20 12:46:24
Of Zara? Hard to say, there's quite a bit of junk that needs to be ironed out.
2020-05-20 11:38:19
What do you think the ETA is for the release? Great work btw!
Rock Candy1958019577
2020-05-20 06:47:16
Can't make any promises.
2020-05-20 01:05:21
well after it's done can we get a mini loop of Sixten with the horse? the Sixten animations are my favorite.
Rock Candy1957419573
2020-05-19 17:04:20
No, they will not.
2020-05-19 16:38:30
I'm curious, will all parts of the horse project have impregnation or nah?
Konstantin Kholchev
2020-05-19 09:26:43
Damn, that's looking promising!
Rock Candy1957119569
2020-05-19 08:11:23
No gay stuff planned.
Rock Candy1957019568
2020-05-19 08:11:09
Underaged stuff.
2020-05-19 06:26:18
It's gonna be a gay content too? :o
2020-05-19 05:16:32
Locked account for what reason, though?
Rock Candy1956719557
2020-05-19 02:09:21
No such thing, that's hell of a lot of extra work. I'd rather focus on doing as much as I can with the pose I chose.
Rock Candy1956619561
2020-05-19 02:07:42
She's not there willingly, it's how she was propped up by the people behind the scene.
Rock Candy1956519564
2020-05-19 02:06:54
They locked my account, so I had to delete it. It's still here on
2020-05-18 23:57:09
What happened to one of your last drawings on Twitter? It seems that it got deleted.
2020-05-18 17:03:03
That must be her favorite positions;)
2020-05-18 17:01:48
I hope it’s a tagteam effort to get the horses off;) I love your work!
2020-05-18 10:56:59
Could there be possibility to switch to alternative positions of character? Because this one is not, what I prefer while watching erotic stuff. It could be there, I just ask If there would be possibility to choose even more positions. Like lying on belly or something Doggy like. I don't want to be toxic to you.
2020-05-18 04:03:32
Zu has the same pose than the Rudolf revenge flash! Hoi hoi this give me some memories ... Can't wait to see the final project