The beginnings of the next part in horse project
Fallow's gone through some rough stuff with his other project, but says he'll be focusing on getting Zara done next. I'm not sure, but I'm hoping we'll get it ready before the end of the month.

But since all the graphics are done, as I think I've said before, I started sketching up the Zu&Jo part.
And this is how it looks right now:

It's not finalized yet as you might be able to tell, but I'm going to try to have her done by the end of the week.

Also got a few more drawings to show off!
Have a Sit, a commission of Lollo using the commissioner's character as a chair... and more.
Ellie on Vacation, Ellie is bothered by a man during a stroll.
Demonic Corruption Process, Ellie gets dicked by two big demons.

Well, my friends, that's all for today. Next week I'll probably have some Sixten outfits to show you all.
2020-05-18 02:20:39
Comments (99)
2020-06-01 17:49:06
I was referring to Encyclopedia Dramatica and Kiwi Farms, ignorant fuck. You barely know anything that's not related to butts or games. Don't pretend that it's "conspiratory" when it's pretty clear that you've publicly posted the crap I've mentioned. If you don't believe me, go to the thread I've mentioned earlier. You still fail to understand the point of what I've been saying. If something contains stuff that depicts a fetish like inflation or whatever, I usually ignore it. But we're talking about child porn, which I'm pretty sure it's not allowed in your country at all. And legal or not there, even in Japan it's very frowned upon if someone draws/buys/etc. loli/shota manga (why do you think some mangakas use pseudonyms when it comes to publish that kind of stuff?) and it's worse if they're a foreigner, so shove your autistic "may you never visit Japan, you'd probably have a heart attack" crap up your ass. Also, keep dreaming that I won't travel there. I don't listen to pedos' "advices", especially those who traveled there JUST to buy weeaboo crap and butt masturbators. Besides, publicly sharing their butt collection and naming them after their OCs is just Grade-A autism.
Rock Candy1962419623
2020-06-01 16:06:10
Boyo, I don't even know what all these abbrevations mean, or what you're talking about. I get you're personally offended by the drawing, but you're really making up a big conspiratory here. May you never visit Japan, you'd probably have a heart attack.
2020-06-01 15:25:51
Also, the fact that you removed the KF's thread's link (which was posted here a long time ago) proves that you DO care a lot, especially if it's something that affects your ego.
2020-06-01 15:19:41
So you don't give a damn about people finding out that you're a sick fuck who thinks that his CP drawings are more important than having some sort of self-awareness and common sense? Sooner or later you might end up having your page on ED or KF (closest thing is that you got featured on the latter's "Rule 34 horrors and oddities" thread.)
Rock Candy1962119619
2020-06-01 13:27:48
Seems like that's something you care about more than I do.
2020-06-01 12:36:43
Also, it's funny how you said I was "upset" when you're the one who got mad enough to ban me, despite I've politely asked to remove your CP drawings.
2020-06-01 12:24:22
"Upset over a drawing" It seems that your autism still disallows you from understanding that drawn or not, child porn is a big no-no and you might get in trouble if you publicly post it. Also, like it or not, I won't stop calling you out. If you don't fix your crap, your reputation will be damaged. Oh wait, it's already damaged since you said TMI crap on 4chan and when you posted the drawing of Zu giving birth while sucking a dick, lmao
Rock Candy1961819617
2020-06-01 11:47:33
Feel free to leave anytime. You're the one getting upset by a drawing.
2020-06-01 10:25:02
"Angry boi" Says the angry autistic pedo who bans others to defend his pwecious child porn.
Rock Candy1961619615
2020-06-01 10:00:54
angry boi
2020-06-01 09:55:13
Also, lmao Is THAT how you thank people who politely ask you (or your friend) to remove stuff that's illegal and unacceptable by almost all the sites? By banning them?? Don't you realize that by doing that, you're just adding more fuel to the fire? Apparently, your CP drawings are important for you than following COMMON SENSE. If you really think that you'll go scot free by banning me, you're definitely wrong, because there are people who already know what you did. And I've archived this in case you're going to delete my comments, and your whiteknights can't do anything about it. Go rot in hell, you pedophilic pos.
2020-05-30 12:44:07
Nice pedo apologism lol
2020-05-30 12:43:44
You didn't remove it from your site, though. Posting child porn (drawn or not) is very risky and you might end up in trouble if you keep posting it. Believe me.
2020-05-24 20:43:45
Oh shit man, this looks like it's gonna be similar to one of my all time favorite animations! Getting excited~
2020-05-24 16:22:00
Right on Rock. Shitty people telling you what to do like they own you isnt cool.
2020-05-24 08:36:55
Looking great! Can't wait to see more progress :) Any chance you could include a toggle for bulges when it releases? Even just for smaller bulges. Not sure how much it adds to the workload, etc. Love your animations but find the big bulges a bit off-putting somteimes x3
2020-05-23 03:31:24
Damn this looks good. Perfect for some double anal horse fucking infact.
Rock Candy1958619585
2020-05-22 02:54:19
removed them along with you.
2020-05-22 01:35:23
Isn't that against the site's rules? Also, you posted the same pic and a nude drawing of her on Discord, which doesn't allow underage stuff either. Please remove them.
2020-05-21 11:36:06
Loving everything about this, Zu being my all time favorite on here. The scared, helpless look on her face and in those eyes, the tied back pose, frontbutt just waiting to be used. God damn perfect.