Unlimited Frustration and a Poll.
Everything I've made contact with today has been just... Terrible. Awful. Horrible.

I start the day off by being waken up by my annoying neighbour's shitty music taste, followed up by having a mysterious ghost experience in the shower. Then I use Flash CS6 in a collab with Mittsies, and it is the worst piece of shit I've ever had the chance to work with. And to top it off, RC.se is broken fucking everywhere. So if stuff seems not right, it's because it's not. It's probably worse. Don't expect the forum to be up anytime soon, because why would someone ever want to make something work.

I am so sick of life right now. I want to kill. Strangle. Murder.

With that said, I uploaded the fan stuff that I showed in the previous news post. Everything is still wonky as shit, but at least it is showing.

Before I explode out of anger, I have some good news for the fans on (the barely functioning) Rockcandy.se.

I have no idea what to do with this christmas flash. All I have is the character you see above. So I decided to make something I almost never do.

It's a poll.



Vote on what character you want to see with Rudolf the Black!
And make a wish for what the content will be. I have not decided yet, so most popular or interesting idea will be made. Write that wish in a comment either here in the news post or at the pollsite itself. You have until Nov 30 to vote and comment, so take your time. Or something.

Now let's hope this piece of shit works or else I will end my life prematurely.
2013-11-10 15:40:57
Rock Candy
Comments (66)
the man
2013-11-10 21:36:07
Oh man this gonna be awesome
2013-11-10 20:09:53
And with that comment I'd like to be your friend!
2013-11-10 19:58:57
I wish it was Sofi being fucked so hard she is mind broken and enjoys it like a little slut. Maybe even a little cumflation.
2013-11-10 18:58:41
I vote that we get a version of this where you can fully mute the music and voices. That shit made it hard to fap to the last one.
2013-11-10 16:09:54
I vote Sofi Deep throating an nice healthy helping of Black Rudolph's Throat Yogurt!
2013-11-10 16:00:27
I vote Sofi gets revenge for last christmas by domming Rudolph with footjobs, bondage and buttsecks (In her butt, of course)