But Besped got busy this week, so he was unable to finish it in time. He said there's not a lot left though, so I'm hoping next week.

As for me, I tried to draw after months of not drawing, and it went horrible.
Otherwise, it's the same stuff I always tell you, sprites and flashes and blah blah.

I'm going to see a psychitrist tomorrow so I gotta get up early, if anyone cares. I'm just trying to fill out the update so it wont look very empty, OKay?!

Really, I should start drawing again so I at least have SOME content, other than fan stuff. I guess I have been lazy lately.

Well, again, I'll post Onihole as soon as it gets finished.
While you may feel excited for it, I'm only feeling unease. I always feel uneasy when I'm releasing a bigger project, because it might have bugs or weird things in it, or people wont like it. So in one case, Onihole not being finished feels... Good and bad at the same time. If that makes any sense.

I shall now attempt to finish a sprite set of Zu getting anally raped by a dolphin. Bye.
2012-09-23 15:37:18
Rock Candy
Comments (51)
2012-09-23 19:31:32
Hey man just droppin by to say thanks, for everything. I been around watching your work like most of the people here for a long time, and every time I come here, I'm happy to see your still around, because most people quit because of "IRL" problems. (They got fuxxing lazy) (And it's obvious too.) (4ex: Someone leaves for a vacation promising to work on stuff he promised when he came back. Comes back 1 month after scheduled return and says he lied and gave up.) So yeah thanks for being there for us :D
2012-09-23 19:17:52
ONI 2012 (I hope... :P)
2012-09-23 17:17:14
Good luck at the psychiatrist. Having someone to talk to who won't judge you really does help.
An eager fan
2012-09-23 16:26:42
At least theres more progress. If this was in the hands of Misstie or w/e his name is it'd probably be out by 2013 right? Also looking forward to the dolphin rape pic.
2012-09-23 16:13:31
i have missed the countless times you've said that
Rock Candy77767775
2012-09-23 16:12:09
Unless you missed the countless times I've said this: I cannot into coding.
2012-09-23 16:10:11
how come you need besped to do it for you? cant you do it yourself or do you not know how or something?
Rock Candy77747773
2012-09-23 15:56:48
I believe he's working on it little by little when he has time.
2012-09-23 15:54:50
come ON, besped! RC, is he back to working on it now? or is he still busy with other stuff?
2012-09-23 15:43:33
i think you should put in more about your life in your updates. its fun knowing what other people do & think
Mr T
2012-09-23 15:39:40
Well fuck.