Today will be quick update, because quick is good.

Flash: RC Advantures

Fan Fiction: Ellie and Zu Get Lost: Part 13

Fan Video thing:

Man, you guys are whiny. Do you really think I do not want to give Onihole to ya? If I could, I'd finish it right now, but I can't. Everything's finished but the coding, which is something I cannot help. I wasn't teasing anyone, morons, I was making fun of how long time this shit takes. Don't think I'm doing nothing while I wait for Onihole to be coded, I have already started up other flashes in the mean time.

I mean fuck. Koopa's got this right, you should all become like him.

Leave if you want, it wont affect the time it takes for Onihole to get finished or me in any way.
2012-08-12 15:45:29
Rock Candy
Comments (55)
Rock Candy75197516
2012-08-13 01:36:58
Hey there russia I can't understand what you're saying.
2012-08-13 00:53:23
I don't think RC was taunting the fans, I think that was sarcasm, then disappointment. People, chill out and wait a bit longer, maybe it's just another week or two from now.
That dude
2012-08-13 00:23:04
DM Dokuro, you make good points. However, do you deny that a level of prefessionalism is being missed here? I mean, really, laughing at us about the update. There's really no need for that. It's been quite a long time since Rock Candy has released a honest flash. Sure there was that gay cat shadow thing, but that quality was so low that I really didn't count it. If Rock Candy were to at least post a screen shot o0f the progress he's made, something to affirm the wait we, his fans, have been going through, then I don't think there would be any problems at all. But the way he goes about these updates is unfortunately the wrong way. When people wait for things for a long time, they get impatient. That impatience can easily turn to annoyance. Depending on what he posts, like a laugh that could be construde as a direct taunt to his fans, it can leap emotions straight to anger. Which is what I am seeing here. It's fine if Rock Candy doesn't care about what people think. But don't TAUNT your very fanbase. That is not something an artist should do. Especially after they have been patiently waiting for so long. -A still loyal fan to RC
2012-08-13 00:16:11
А когда будет Onuhole, очень жду и надеюсь, что скоро :3
2012-08-12 23:01:34
I agree with what your saying here, but even I'm getting a little frustrated by how long it's taking. normally, when he told us stuff like "there's a glitch" or something, he let us know he was working on it. in the recent update, he didn't even bother. and the way he worded it, he sounded like he didn't even care, although I'm sure he wants it out just as much as we do. on a side note, RC really needs to hurry or he will lose most of his fans in future rage fits like the ones below. also, I will most likely be a fan until RC quits altogether. reguardless if onihole ever gets finished or not.
2012-08-12 21:40:49
Yep. They're everywhere. Grab yer shotguns. We're gonna have a hell of a time on our hands.
2012-08-12 21:38:43
2012-08-12 21:36:56
Deserve? Deserve? You think you -deserve- something from him? He makes his flashes on his time, not yours, kiddo. And I'd really feel sorry for you if you didn't know that sooner than now.
A no longer loyal fan.
2012-08-12 21:14:23
I've been a fan for about a year now. You aint made anything that great in a while. Sorry but i gotta agree witht he other guys. You're not even making excuses anymore. Its not even funny. Your fans are real dissapointed in you. And so am i. I thought u were better than this.
A no longer loyal fan.
2012-08-12 21:13:01
You think we deserve to wait 1 fucking year for a fucking flasht hat will have 3 minutes of play value? Fuck off. ZONE ,ake better shit in shorter time. Jesus Christ. Even Konashion with SDT is better.
2012-08-12 21:05:10
Patience: an ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay. Most of RC's "fans": Impatient, immature, and laughably sad. Really, guys, he's at least trying. I could tell you that if he had another pro flash scripter in his contacts, he would talk to them instead of Mittsies (No offense. Issues are issues after all). I know how impatient many of you are. Believe me, Rock feels the same way for me and my character themes (It takes this long to perfect a theme, you know). But there's one thing that his effort-bearing flashes and my tell-tale music have in common: It takes time and patience; Something that many of you lack nowadays. Bottom line, either you wait, or you bitch forever about how it's not going to be made. I'll make sure to laugh humorously at all of you during the date of its release.
not an ounce of samefaggotry
2012-08-12 19:16:23
Yea ive got to agree with the other 2 here. Not only is your treatment to the few fans you have left terrible but i think the last remotely fappable thing youve made was ran ran rump or the flash with zoo and the horse. Thats why i was a fan. Now ive been lurking and waiting checkingnthis site every week fornthe past year and a half. Now im not saying you owe us anything cause blah blah blah its free inb4 people rage bout that. But seriously kid idk hownyou do things in europe but grow the fuck up and if you make a promise to people and you know that theyre disappointednbecause week after week youve failed to keep that promise then you laugh at them? Youre never gonna make it in the real world. This is a former Rock Candy fan signing off for the last time. Nyurp
2012-08-12 19:15:37
It's funny seeing see these comments. It's sad knowing that its true.
Jesus Fuck
2012-08-12 18:58:38
I was patient. But holy fucking shit this is ridiculous. There isn't even any real excuse for you either. When Zone failed to put out a flash for 8 months it was because of a critical failure with the program he used. It was out of his control and people knew that. But you. Fucking jesus christ you're not even giving excuses anymore. It's been nearly a year since you started work on this flash, and you kept fucking saying next week, but you've been saying that shit for more than 4 months now. Nobody cares about those shitty ass flashes your 13 year old fans make, we just want the fucking tentacle porn. Fuck you Rockcandy, you are massive pile of horseshit.
I am done
2012-08-12 17:27:20
fuck you rock candy goodbuy no longer a fan