Assistance, please?
If we want a stand in for Jo, we need someone who can match her energy and voice! It's a very unique voice, sort of raspy, and I've yet to find anyone that doesn't use the generic anime-ish voice for almost everything. It would be best to have someone who can match her energy and voice, so if you know of anyone who sounds similar or could do a similar type of voice, send them my way or give me their name or info so I can listen to their demo or contact them.

Another thing, if any musician is around; I'm looking to hire someone to make music, jingles and such for my projects. Most people that I've gotten into contact with just disappear for whatever reasons. Even if they've created a track or two. It's weird. Well, if you are a musician, or know someone who is, that is interested in doing commissions, let me know! Discord or twitter DMs work best, I suppose. You can find links to both on the home page.

Myself, I've been basically been doing Rock n' Raz 18 the entire week. I was just gonna do a little, but I got so engrossed in it that I'll probably just marathon it til it's done. It's always refreshing to do something different for a while.
Once that's done, I'll be trying to finish up the baby stuff for HHHW. I hired a guy to do the art for that, but that didn't really work out so... Gotta do it myself. Was hoping to speed it up, but that rarely works out, huh?
2023-07-24 01:44:18
Comments (33)
Rock Candy2597125970
2023-07-26 04:53:14
AI is soulless trash. Not only is it disrespectful to the voice actors themselves, you can't get it to do improv and specific intonations, since AI do not understand character and personality. I'm not interested in removing the part that makes porn interesting to begin with, the human element.
2023-07-26 03:33:18
It's your choice. I said the same thing when personal computer first came out, but I found out it's just stupid not to take advantage of it.
Rock Candy2596825966
2023-07-25 16:03:17
I will never use AI.
2023-07-25 13:25:35
Also, you can deepfake voices, if you have enough voice of someone, you can use AI to generate any word you want them to say
2023-07-25 13:23:42
You can try AI voice, free and consistence, and you can edit it to how ever you want. Let me know if you need any help with that
Rock Candy2596425954
2023-07-25 01:40:39
I just want a stand-in for now. Eventually replace, if I don't get any further responses. Thanks, will check it out.
Rock Candy2596325956
2023-07-25 01:39:34
Thanks, this sounds worth checking out.
Rock Candy2596225960
2023-07-25 01:39:05
I don't get reddit. It's unbrowseable.
Rock Candy2596125959
2023-07-25 01:38:33
She doesn't do horses.
2023-07-24 23:54:01
If you haven't looked already, I would recommend looking around r/audiogonewild subreddit.
ya BOI
2023-07-24 22:20:02
OolayTiger could do it, she has a great range
Yo Its Manny
2023-07-24 07:11:43
If you look up raspy female on Danielle Baylor is one of the top results. Her demo sounded pretty similar to Jo's voice to me. She has a twitter account also.
long tine fa
2023-07-24 02:11:48
E62Dudethatslewd has a good range and migjt be interested (kinda a shame having to find a replacement, i enjoy the orginal vas work a lot)