Wow, we're back, finally.
So the reason we've been down for such a long time is from what I understand the following;

Our host got a new internet provider, and due to some deal the new internet provider made resulted in our host being unable to have a public IP. And while we were looking for solutions, we weren't able to get in contact with the old host until recently, who had all of the up to date files of But now that we've got them, we're on a new hosting service, hopefully more stable this time around...

Quite obnoxiuos timing, considering we just released the HHHW update.

Anyway, let's get up to date with various things, starting with drawings. I actually finished my to-draw list before 2023!
So here comes a bunch of drawings!

The Maiden Devourer Page 3, the final page!
Edging Trixie, horny makes you stronger
The Payoff, Sofi gets sexed, finally
Chewy Pet, captured, but not tamed
Jungle Story 2, a very belated Shrap birthday request.
Interrupted Band Practice, requested by hime.
Johanna's X-Mas Day, also requested by hime.
Vampire Vie, Touhou vampires dicking it out, requested by GBM.
Christmas at Tera's, the usual, but christmas themed.
Britbong's Soccer Ding-dongs, an injoke between me and schmoes.
Ellie's Music Video Mishap, this one turned out so stupid it's good.
Freezing Girls, a quick winter themed drawing.
Jungle Story 3, not really connected to the other two. What if those junk mails were true?
Parasite Pilot, Zu gets to be a test subject.
Zu's Butt Close Up, take a real close look.
Zu's Creamed Butt Close up, someone got way too close.

That's a bunch, for sure. Hope at least some of 'em are to your liking.
Might as well cover the fan art next, ye?

Oujia Board Bedlam, Cinndrie's finished Halloween Comp submission!
Sub Sandwich Zu, by meekmack!
Sofi Marrying, by Sinsigat!
Pre-Cum Collecting, by Panda-Wanga!
Avv & Zara, by Avv!
Christmas Sofi, by SyncedUp!

Thanks a lot as always, guys!

Let's catch up on some flash stuff too, ya?
Currently trying to get VA stuff sorted out, I got three to deal with at the same time, and I'm terrible at multi-tasking. Hoping I can get everything done soon, but they're all busy. Lots of demand these days.

While site's been down I've finished up some additional features I wanted to have in the Zu&Jo part, Fallow's been on a bit of hiatus due to various things, but he's back on working on things again now, so hopefully we can have a small update with these new features soon. How soon depends on how many of the things we want to include in one go. Some are more solid than others.

I've also added in all of the horse skins in Sofi's part. Won't have the different stats due to how it's built (pre-custom engine), but at least it'll be consistent with the colors! Not to mention it's around 27 skins instead of just 10, that all looked pretty similar anyway.

Next step? Well, let me tell you... I'm gonna remake the Zara part from scratch. Why? I absolutely hate how the old version looks and how buggy it is. It'll be a nightmare to try and salvage it by just reskinning and what not, and I still would be stuck with pretty primitive options!

With a new start, I'll be able to possibly implement a much requested feature; cock bulge and gradual cum inflation combined!
Using Fallow's engine combined with flash, we're thinking of creating a dynamic belly that reacts to both cock and cum and moves independently from the rest of the animation. With this goal in mind, I've created this sketch:

Sacrificing visible holes for this advanced belly I think is a good option. Besides, you've already got visible holes in Sofi and Zu&Jo's parts.
Along with the belly, I really want to expand on the mood system for Zara. Unlike Sofi and Zu&Jo, who has changes in their moods, Zara has none, actually. I'm planning on changing this so that she gets her own unique mood range. What that'll be, you'll have to wait and see.

And yes, I think that's all I've got for now. Feel free to ask questions in the comments, if you've got any.
I'm gonna go do the dishes...
2023-01-13 16:50:32
Comments (21)
Xander T
2023-01-13 19:01:07
HOORAY! And salutations again! Been too long. Glad to be one of the first back to the newly oldproved! Hope the wait didn't demotivate you too much. Judging by the frontloaded backlog you've provided as a reintroduction, I'd say otherwise. I do hope the new year has been treating you well, and best of luck to you further on down the line!