Question about the Sofi part.
I've made a lot of small changes to Sofi's part, and some bigger ones are to come.
One of these things are a few more cosmetics options for her, I made a bunch of hats.

But when it comes to shirts, if I want to add additional shirts, I'd have to do a whole lot of additional frame by frame animations to make them work. This will probably take a lot of time, and I plan on only doing 5 to 8 extra shirts. But only three of them would actually need this animation to work out...
Is this worth it? Or should I save that time and move on to other things?

Here are some images of the shirts themselves:

For the first shirt there, I was thinking I could animate it so that the bulge comes out from between the gap where the buttons are. Which would be at least something visually different? But ye, should I do that, or cut these and just try to keep it simple?

Also, as you can see, I redrew her eyes to be a bit more rounded. They're not actually going to be positioned like that once I get to making expressions, so don't worry if it's a bit soul starey.
I also slightly tweaked her jaw, to make her head less egg-shaped.

Let me know what you think.
2021-02-08 07:57:44
Comments (41)
2021-02-09 07:55:16
Keep it simple, you don't want to scope creep the project too much. You can always loop around and add in new stuff later if you feel it'll add value to the project.
2021-02-09 01:36:03
keep it simple
2021-02-09 00:36:48
save the time.
Rock Candy2057920576
2021-02-09 00:26:27
It's a bit out there for this flash. I also think you overestimate what I'm able to do here, hoahoa.
Rock Candy2057820575
2021-02-09 00:24:12
I do, and this characters isn't that one. Context matters.
Rock Candy2057720573
2021-02-09 00:23:39
One of the shirts have a button, I believe I mentioned such. I can't really make one-time unique animations for them though.
2021-02-08 23:49:33
just have it coming out of a portal. Aperture science enrichment fucking. and while we're on the topic of spooky make an X-ray shirt where we only see her bones and the horse dick, I've always found skeletons sexy, like that green Skeleton from RebelTaxi's comic, I think it's called Loki. yes I'm a weirdo.
2021-02-08 22:39:07
You do realize that there's a character that chops dicks off for coming before her and your saying a disinbodyed dick is to much
2021-02-08 19:30:38
How about a shirt with buttons? a button flies off the shirt after her belly becomes huge.
2021-02-08 14:54:08
I'd rather see it done sooner TBH.
Rock Candy2056920565
2021-02-08 13:16:42
I'm not gonna add tits to Sofi. Disembodied cock hat seems a bit too spooky, though.
Rock Candy2056820564
2021-02-08 13:15:44
Only two or three will cover the belly though.
Rock Candy2056720562
2021-02-08 13:14:55
There will be some leg options as well.
2021-02-08 11:53:40
I'll be honest. I likely won't have her wearing a shirt with the animation. However variety is the spice of life. So if this is something you feel like you want to do then go for it.
2021-02-08 11:19:04
I imagine most people with just have her topless anyway. if you're going to add more chest options you should add one that's just bigger tits, that way the people who don't like Loli will be able to appreciate the scene more. also a funny idea for a hat would be Belleth's dick because she'd totally be the type to just slap that on Sofi's forehead while she's getting railed by a horse.
2021-02-08 11:04:10
This is only my opinion, but since you asked, I think the buttoned shirt where the bulge goes through sounds like a good idea; that being said I'm not sure if all 8 shirts are worth it. Either way, I generally look forward to anything you put out so I'm kinda fine either way. Good work and good luck my dude!
2021-02-08 11:02:33
Agreed, the little details are what make all the difference, that shirt idea with the buttons sounds great!
2021-02-08 10:23:50
I think you should do what you see fit but i would preffer more leg options
2021-02-08 09:23:12
I like your stuff because it's detailed. Do it, man.
Rock Candy2056020559
2021-02-08 08:58:21
They are playable, you just gotta download them and a standalone flash player. This will be released in another format,so don't worry about that. And to make all the other games playable online, well, let's say I'd need a team of people to help out making that happen.